Chapter 15

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3rd pov

"All right, all of you scoot to the back." Daichi ordered gathering the attention from his teammates, "Tsukishima, you go closer to the sideline."

"Yes." Tsukishima replied to the captain.

"All right..." Daichi said. "Bring it." 

"Hmm," Oikawa looked unimpressed, eyes narrowing to the side. "So Captain-kun, expert at receiving, is expanding the defense..." He threw the ball into air, "However..."  Taking a few steps forward, his hands swinging back and forth, jumping up while smirking, "You can't defend it all by yourself!" Delivering another yet powerful serve.

"!!!" Daichi saw the ball going towards Tsukishima's form, 'PINPOINTING HIM, EVEN HE'S AT THE CORNER!' You thought to yourself, watching the game intensely. "He aimed it directly at the edge!" Takeda looks so interested in the game, voicing out your thoughts.

"TSUKKI!!!!" Yelled Yamaguchi, as he made his grip at your jersey tighter than before.

"But he add some of his power to get that accuracy!" Sugawara added on. You nodded, "To-kun's serve are pretty much to controlling it. That's what makes him one of the best in our prefecture." 

Taking a glance at Yamaguchi's shaky form, giving a head pat. "Tada-chan, Kei's gonna be fine. Remember what I told you when we were kids?" The green haired male nodded shakily, clinging to your jersey, less tighter than before. Giving a comforting smile always made Yamaguchi feel slightly better.


Regardless of the impact of the ball, Tsukishima managed to make the ball bounced upwards. "NICE KEI!" Smirking devilishly, you called out to the blonde haired male. "It went up!"

"TSUKKI, NICEE!" Yamaguchi yelled out hoarsely from all the screeching he did before.

Oikawa put a hand on his forehead, looking at the ball, "He got it. Good for him. Maybe I made it too easy for him." The brunette said while giving a smile. "However, this is our chance ball." The setter pressed both of his hands together as the ball made its way to his direction.

"Damn." Tsukishima cussed under his breath.

"There. A sweet, sweet chance ball~ Score it good, guys." The male said as he bumped the ball to his teammates. "All right!" 'This is not good, our rotation has no height for the blocking...' Your thoughts were cut off when you saw Kindaichi running up to the net, ready to spike the ball.

"Kindaichi!" Yahaba yelled out to his kouhai as he set the ball to Kindaichi. Before the onion haired male could even spiked it to the ground, Hinata already showed up right in front of him. The ball made contact with Hinata's palm.

"IT'S UP!" (Kageyama)

"NICE ONE-TOUCH!" (Tanaka)

"Chance ball!" Daichi yelled out.

"Damn! I'll slam it down next time!" Kindaichi growled to ginger haired male, in irritation. Hinata didn't reply, feeling energy went through his body dissapearing to the other side. 'Hinata's speed is inhuman. Don't even ask me to join a racing competition with him...'

And with that, Hinata made his way to the other side of the court in an inhuman speed, taking front of the Aoba Johsai players. Kageyama gotten into a setting position, arching his back as he tossed the towards Hinata.


Your eyes widened when you saw Hinata spiking the ball but this time his eyes were wide open, staring into Oikawa's soul, before slamming the ball to the other side. 'I usually do that when I spike but when someone else's does it, it gives me shivers'

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