I think he's beautiful

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The last day of summer vacation is always filled with the most excitement.

Warm, sticky air kisses a warm atmosphere, along with an easily recognizable pattern of cicadas chirping and a beautiful orange sunset gives it an all too familiar "final moment of freedom" feel.

To some, this day can be full of tension and sadness.

But why stress the inevitable?

"Are you sure you're ready for this move? You've only seen the tutorial for it once, it's okay if you take more time." Reki spoke. The redhead trailed behind his friend, riding his skateboard slowly to keep the same pace as him.

Marching next to him was Langa Hesagawa, a determined young man already covered in light bruises and small scars from the day's failed attempts at other new tricks.

It looked like the pain only gave him ambition, since Reki's words bounced off of him easily.

"I can do this." Langa had on one of his calm straight faces, which, simply put, meant that he would definitely go through with the move. There was a noticeable spark of ambition in his eye.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you once you fail."

Once the two arrived at an empty skate park, Langa set down his board and prepared himself.

Reki plopped himself on the ground, crossing a leg over the other and wrapping his arms behind his head. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he saw his friend attempt complete focus.

"Reki?" Langa began hesitantly, asking in a hushed tone. "Will you explain the steps to me again?"

Reki began to full on laugh, afterwards taking a breath to begin.

I placed a video of someone preforming a nollie above. You can watch before you keep reading if you'd like!

"A nollie is a different variation of an Ollie. The main difference between them is that ollies snap down on the tail of your skateboard and pop the nose, while nollies snap down on the nose of your board and pop up the back wheels."

Langa stared silently at the ground for some time, trying to comprehend the technique. After what felt like hours, he came to his conclusion.

"Here I go." He whispered.

Langa quickly positioned his body on the board, closely mimicking that of the video he had watched earlier. He bent his knees in a "ready to go" stance, and carried out the move.

The scene appeared to go on in slow motion.

Everything fit perfectly in time, adding to to the effect of Langa's accuracy.

The image painted before Reki was one all too familiar. Pure, white snow surrounded his friend as he showed off on the skateboard.

Dedication and beauty were in his stance and form, and in addition, pure bliss was projected though his expression.

For reasons unknown to him, it made Reki's heart skip a beat.

Once time seemed to come to its normal pace, Langa returned back to earth and stuck a perfect landing.

He spun around, turning back to his friend to receive a review.

"How was I?"

Reki had air stuck in his lungs from watching Langa's breathtaking performance.

He ran up to the boy with open arms, jumping on his body and wrapping him in a smothering hug.

"That was amazing! So amazing! You're so cool Langa, amazing!" Reki's stutters of compliments seemed to be endless, until his added weight forced Langa to topple over onto the ground.

Once the two hit the earth, Reki kept his position on top of Langa, still indulging him in a tight embrace.

Langa slowly rested his head in the crook of Reki's neck, hugging him back. He enjoyed this feeling of comfort.

Moments after, Reki pushed up from Langa with hands at either sides of his head.

"Feels great to hug a friend! I'm really proud of you, you know." Reki stated.

Like pressing the spacebar to distance words, he had made sure to distance himself mentally from Langa by using the word "friend".

Though, for the two of them, swallowing the word itself was nearly impossible.

Reki rolled himself off from his position on top of Langa and once again folded his hands behind his head.

The sun had now completely set, putting the boys under the illumination of the moon and twinkling stars.

"So, what were you trying to accomplish with that trick? Any girl at school you're trying to impress?" Reki asked, turning his head to look at Langa.

Langa looked more indulged in the stars than anything at that moment, leaving Reki to wonder if he was going to receive an answer.

"There's no one really in particular?" Langa responded to the question with yet another question.

As time went on, silence came over them once again. Suddenly, Reki found himself studying Langa blissfully.

His pristine pale skin, untouched by any off-coloring or imperfection made him seem to be almost as vibrant as the moonlight. His vivid blue eyes seemed to be deep as pools of water, and his hair appeared so soft in the moment that Reki forced himself to resist touching it.

I think he's beautiful. Reki thought to himself.

"You honestly think these moves will get people to like me?" Langa asks, breaking his gaze away from the sky.

"People already like you, but yeah, I guess so."

"Okay then." He responded, hoisting his body up off the smooth ground.

"Let me try one more move."

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