Chapter 1: Domestic abuse

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Life as a child was a gambling game of chance. Some children have parents that are very loving. A few children only have a mother or a few that only have a father to be with. Or a child that has a rough time being abused by their parents. Life is sometime cruel and painful of how it runs for an innocent child that done nothing wrong.
There was one child, his name was Reyes Flint. He's five years old and has a thick of brown hair. He lives in the town of Los Angeles in California with a father that is drunk, abusive and scary. Reyes walked home from school since his father doesn't pick him up at all. He feared the it was starting to get dark and it will be getting dangerous in the city soon that he has to hurry to make it home.
He runs home as fast as possible before it gets dark or worse that his father will hurt him if he won't get home before 7pm. He was able to make it back in time by 10 minutes to spare. But he noticed that his father is drunk asleep in his bedroom. Reyes dropped his backpack and went to his bedroom to watch TV.
His father woke up drunk and shouted and cursing very loudly. Reyes feared something is going to happen, but he tries to ignore it.
30 minutes later... The father banged on his door very hard and shouted. "Reyes open this door right now!!!!!" As he opened the door, his father stomped open and shouted. "YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO TAKE OUT THAT TRASH TODAY!!!!" Reyes got scared and went to do it right now but his father pushed him onto the floor.
"IT'S FUCKING TOO LATE YOU STUPID RETARD! NOW TIME FOR YOU TO PAY THE PRICE!" He pulled his belt out grabbed Reyes by the hair. Reyes got thrown onto the kitchen floor.

"Get up!" The father pulled him up but after a split second. Reyes grabbed a knife from the knife block and stabbed his father in the stomach. "AHHHH!" The father collapses and screamed in pain. Reyes busted right out the door and ran far as possible.
He ran through the street and went into the woods at the edge of the city. He kept running and running until he tripped down a steep hill and rolls painfully onto the bottom. He tried to get up but barley. His head was split open and his right arm as fractured and broken. He kept going until he collapsed unconscious onto a beautiful patch of flowers. The blood dripped from his head and touched a flower. The blood on the flower started to glow and vines softly wrapped around Reyes' body. The vines attached themselves to his open injuries and healed them instantly. The flowers in the patch magically glow and made him disappear.
Hours later... The sun rises and the Sunshine shines in his face. He woke up and tries to stretch before standing up. He looked around and noticed he was in the woods. He walked and noticed something different. There was a city but looks unfamiliar to him. He was confused, lost, and hungry. Just then he saw someone loading fruit on his cart and Reyes came and asked, "Hello mister I was wondering what this place is?" The fruit merchant turned around and what was shocking that it was a fox anthro. Reyes froze and then screamed in fear and then the fox screamed as well. Reyes ran in fear and sees every furry looking at him as he run past them. "What's happening?! It has to be a dream!" Just then he tripped on a stick and fell into the dirt. Every anthro gathered around him with curiosity. Reyes was terrified and doesn't want lookup.
He was surrounded and hears them. "Who is the hairless one?"

"I don't know, he might be something called a human." Reyes noticed they walked closer that he grabbed the stick and swings it.

"Stay back!!! Don't get close to me!

I don't want to be eaten!!! Stay back!!!"

The furs backed off a few in fear. Since Reyes swings the stick.

"What?! Who are you beasts?!" Reyes shouted.

Just then a couple of Wolves with police badges went through the crowd.

One of wolves said, "Hey calm down kid, you're causing a scene."

Reyes stopped swinging and said, "Please don't get any closer. I don't want you to eat me."

"Hey calm down. No one around here will hurt you. Just please drop the stick human."

Reyes hesitated but he slowly puts the stick down and he sweated and breathe heavily in fear. The wolf walked close to him slowly. Reyes was scared that he stood still and closes his eyes and looked down. The wolf squatted down at his level and put his hand on Reyes's shoulder. "Kid it's alright. Just open your eyes and look at me."

As he looked up at the wolf, he tried to get rid of his fear while he looked at him in the eyes. He felt calm and his fear vanished. The wolf held his hand to took him to the police headquarters.

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