Chapter 10: The cougar Mafia gang

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One of the cougars softly put Reyes under the covers of Sarah's huge bed and quietly leaves and locked the door.

Sarah and her group went together for a meeting to see what to do next. They thought about who to sell Reyes to that is Rich and successful.

"Who should we sell him to?" Sabrina asked.

"Well I have some files of our customers that are billionaires, rich families, and the furry Cartel.

Our first customer is John Beverly, a Leopard billionaire that he's single and has interest of how humans are.

Our second customer is Karen Mil, A cat and a Billionaire CEO of a food company. She is married and has two children. And she had interest of wanting a human in her arms and to own.

Our last customer is Roy Killris, A gray Wolf and the leader of the furry Cartel. He wants the human in his care and want to make him his son and part of the Cartel." Said Sarah

The Mafia talked it to see who would offer the most to take Reyes and then the three customers came in.

"Welcome, Welcome." Said Sabrina

"Hello. so Sarah where is the human child? I want to see it." Said John

"Yeah I want to see how beautiful and how cute it is." Said Karen.

"I want him as my own and part of my cartel." Said Roy

"Now, Now, only one of you can take the child home. So only thing we can settle is an auction. Who ever gives the most will take the human." Said Sarah.

The auction started and Sabrina started the bid at $100,000,000 dollars. Then Sarah went to check on Reyes.


Reyes woke up and noticed he was in a bedroom. He was frightened and don't where he is. Then Sarah unlocked the door and came in.

"You finnaly awake. Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Umm... Yes but what do you want from me?" Reyes asked kindly.

"Oh nothing. You are just a special species in our world and we are going to sell you to a rich person or maybe a rich family."

"Why? I already have a family." He said.

"I doubt it. I found you in our warehouse and I bet you were hiding." She said.

"I wasn't! It's just...."

Reyes hesitated

"Just what? Did you do something you regret?"

Reyes didn't know what to say that he regrets of acticidentaly getting someone killed

He looked down and hesitated to answer.

"It's alright. You don't have to tell me." She said.

Sarah then left and came back and gave Reyes some pancakes and some bacon on a tray. He started eating since he didn't had anything this morning. Sarah watched him while he's eats. She studies and gave him a smile.
Reyes didn't say anything but he felt afraid by her but puts away the fear.


Everyone kept looking for Reyes everywhere in the city.

Jared kept using his nose to smell Reyes scent and found a trail. Jared signaled Lindsey and noticed that's hes at the warehouse docks at the edge of the city.


Sarah took Reyes to the main room where the customers and the rest of the Mafia are doing an auction.

Sarah showed him to the customers and they were surprised of how small he is.

"Wow. Humans are that small?" John asked.

"Not so close, humans get scared easily." Sarah said as she has a firm grip on his arm.

"He's just so cute though." Said Karen.

Then one of the cougars came to Sarah and said, "Hey boss we have a problem."

Sarah looked out the window and noticed a lot of cop cars and some of the swat team arrives at the entrance.

"Shit. Everyone grab a weapon! The police is here!" Sarah shouted.

She took Reyes and put him back in her room and locks him in there.

They heard a police man on the megaphone outside

"This is the Police department! Come out with your hands in the air and give the human back !You are under arrest for kiddnaping!"

  The cougar mafia kicked the door open and started firing their weapons.

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