Old faces

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Moments prior

A multitude of voices echoed out in the busy streets as people talked to one another, either trading items or having a merry time in the middle of the day. (Y/N) stood underneath the shade of a building with his head covered with a hood. His bandaged up arms from the curse he received while fighting the zombie dragon were folded together as he awaited his partner to finish his business. Vega was talking with the nearby church and negotiating a price for items that could cure the curse still lingering in the wolfs system.

"And pray tell, what do you need these items for? I must tell you that you cannot re-sell these items."

"Yeah yeah priest I get ya, but you see that guy leaning in the shade over there? He's my slave and he ended up getting cursed during an outing and I gotta keep him in top shape to keep working him ya know?"

"Oh...is that so? Very well then, I understand your reasoning. Then one gold coin should suffice for high quality holy water."

"Sheesh, driving a hard bargain aren't you, holy man? Fine fine here's the money."

After literally tossing the coin towards the priest Vega took the bottle and began walking back towards (Y/N) before holding it out to him. As (Y/N) reached out for the item Vega snatched it back before swirling the contents inside the glass bottle.

"You owe me a gold coin ya' know?"

"Fuck off Vega. What the hell do you think you're getting at, calling me your slave?!"

"Oh, you heard that? What else could I say? People around here don't like demi-humans like you. had I said I was getting it for a friend who's a demi-human they woulda charged me extra for it! Either cough up the money or my hand might just loose it's grip."

Vega held a grin on his face as he tossed the item in the air, only for it not to return to his hand. Dumbfounded he looked around before noticing the object in (Y/N)'s hands as he began walking away.


"I'll give you the money when I can, not beat it I gotta change my bandages."

As (Y/N) walked off into the carriage he was using he checked his surroundings before walking inside and closing the cloth around him. As he sat down and started unwrapping the bandages on his arms the curse which had spread all over his arms was now almost gone.  (Y/N) stared down in worry at his arms as he placed the holy water inside his bag.

"I don't know what the hell happened, but didn't the guys say only holy water can purify curses? This is our first time finding a church that has holy water in it, and I haven't done anything to deal with this curse. So how in the hell did it start healing itself like this?"

(Y/N) was filled with confusion as he swapped out his old bandages for new ones, giving off the disguise of having changed his old rags out for the new ones, cleansed with holy water. After tightening them around his arms again he stepped out the carriage before looking to the orange sky above him. As he placed his hands in his pockets he felt the breeze blow past him, sending his black hair fluttering in the wind.

"Tonight will be the last one......after that..."

Once he finished muttering to himself the wolf turned around and began walking into the city yet again. As he moved pasted the crowds he could hear them whispering about him with his keen sense of hearing. It was all remarks of disgust and the like as he continued forward. His usual scowl only turned worse as he walked through an alley way to remove himself form the situation.

"Fucking racist assholes."

Once he took a few more steps he felt a tug at his leg, causing him to stop."

Rising of The Shield Hero x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now