Spear and Shield

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P.O.V. 3rd.

Italics =  thoughts

The sky above the Kingdom was pitch black, low shining stars covered every inch of it. However the orange glow of flames in the hold of chandeliers were raised above the heads in a large, fancy room. A party was going on for the "successful" subjugation of the wave from earlier today. The King raised his chalice above his head and sung praises of the Heroes for killing the boss with relative ease. The spear, sword and bow were all enjoying themselves with their parties while Naofumi stuck to one corner of the room. He grumbled to himself about having to be near this scum before Raphtalia walked in front of him.

Naofumi: What are you doing?

Surprised by the sudden calling out to her she stopped in her tracks as f she had just been caught doing something she shouldn't have.

Raphtalia: Ah! Nothing, it's just that there's so much food here that I've never seen. I'm curious about everything here so I don't know where to start.

Naofumi: If you're curious then just eat it all. Look at (Y/N), he's not restraining himself at all.

At the mention of her fighting comrade she looked around to the room, only to see him walking around with a plate of mainly meat.

Raphtalia: Well I'm a lot more worried about how I eat than (Y/N) is.........also excuse me for a second my lord. (Y/N)!

Turning his head (Y/N) had what looked like a piece of meat hanging from his mouth. Raphtalia walked towards him as he finished eating what was in his mouth so he could properly talk with her.

(Y/N): What's up Raph?

Raphtalia: (Y/N), you can't just eat nothing but meat! There are tons of other options around here. Can't you see that?

(Y/N): Yes I can, and I choose NOT to get those. I'm tired of just eating fish from the river outside the town and those stupid kid meals at the tavern. I need meat for crying out loud!

Raphtalia: Geez, (Y/N) you need a more balanced meal!

Raphtalia ended up trying to take the plate from (Y/N) by reaching out to it, however all he had to do was hold it over his head and she couldn't reach it.

Raphtalia: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Look if you wanna control how I eat, then you'd have to be me. Until then I'm not giving this up for anything!

As (Y/N) went on he felt something being pushed up against his chest slightly, it caused him to look down only to notice Raphtalia's chest was slightly squished up against his. He blushed slightly before placing a finger against her forehead and pushing her off him. With this new space he quickly retreated from the scene with all his food.

Raphtalia: Wait! (Y/N)!

Naofumi: Just give it up already Raphtalia, he may be a killer but at the end of a day he's still a kid. Let him eat as much as he wants, he still needs to grow. The same goes for you.

Raphtalia: But even so my weight....

Naofumi: You work more than enough to counter that. Eat up.

Raphtalia blushed before her tail started slightly swaying before she turned to Naofumi.

Raphtalia: My Lord.....do you prefer your women on the slimmer side...?

Naofumi:.......Huh? What are you going on about now? I don't really care whether their fat or not as long as it doesn't slow them down on the battlefield.

Shocked by this Raphtalia went on to defend her weight for awhile before Naofumi yelled at her slightly to just eat. She turned around and seemed dejected by his order, but she turned back to him soon after with a plate full of different items. She insisted on having Naofumi eat with her and what not and after pretty much forcing the food on him, he agreed.

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