Wave of Calamity

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P.O.V 3rd

italics = thoughts

The group of Raphtalia, (Y/N) and Naofumi can be seen walking into the blacksmiths. In the middle was Raphtalia with a bright smile on her face, (Y/N) had a scowl after the last encounter and Naofumi was.......Naofumi. Once they got inside the blacksmith greeted them with his usual smile and went on to say a few things with Naofumi and Raphtalia. (Y/N) searched around the shop, browsing the wares while thinking to himself.

(Y/N): Like I thought, playing along with him was a good idea. After the events with the demon dog Naofumi thought it would be to dangerous to continue on without me being armed all the time.....however he thought ahead and bought me a cheap dagger. It was strong enough to kill my enemies, but not strong enough to pierce his defense......well to fix that all I have to do is get stronger. At some point I should get something strong enough.....

Blacksmith: Hey wolf kid! Get over here, I got something for you.

Surprised by this (Y/N) turns to his right to see the blacksmith with a small grin on his face. Raphtalia smiles back at him and Naofumi seems kind of skeptical. Walking over to the counter the smith picks up a large light brown cloth and lays it down on the table, the sound of metal clinking resounds in the shop before he starts unfurling it, laying out many different types of daggers out before him.

Blacksmith: I got a pretty good shipment of weapons from some buddies of mine. I decided to let you have a first look at the wares, and as a special deal I'll give you 50% off your first pick.

Naofumi: Hey wait up old man, why are you giving him 50% off?

(Y/N): Well just look at me! Barely any armor, and this dingy little knife that'll break at a moments notice! And then look at Raphtalia, full blown sword in great condition, leather straps for her shins and forearms. Come on, do you want me to die at some point?

As (Y/N) put on an act to guilt trip Naofumi, he was thinking of other ways to get new armor and or weapons. He knew with the smith on his side he would be able to get a good price for one of these weapons, but what happened next wasn't something he thought would happen.

Raphtalia: That's right Naofumi-sama. You should equip (Y/N) as well, if he were as well equipped as I am now then we could take care of all your enemies in a quicker fashion. Isn't that right?

Raphtalia looked over her shoulder and smiled brightly at (Y/N) before gently taking a hold of his arm. The last person he expected to support him in getting new equipment was Raphtalia so his reaction was a bit late.

(Y/N): R-Right...

Naofumi was cornered a bit but let out a heavy sigh, he knew he couldn't hold (Y/N) back anymore from decent armor and weapons. Doing that would just hurt him in the end, plus it had already been a month and a half now. 2 more weeks and (Y/N) would officially be his so.....whats the worst that could happen? The blacksmith then turned to (Y/N) and presented the wares for him to choose from. He looked over every blade carefully, but one near the end caught his eye in a way the others hadn't.

 He looked over every blade carefully, but one near the end caught his eye in a way the others hadn't

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