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"Hey George, I wanna show you this place." I told him shifting my place on the bed to face towards him, looking at him stare at the ceiling.

"Okay, where?"

"Mm like this field thingy." I wanted to show him this place my dad used to take me when I was younger. It was a beautiful place, I haven't been there since he left. To a new family.

It's whatever.

But it really wasn't.

"Why would we go to a field?" He replied to me, still looking at the ceiling, shifting himself to look towards me. "It'll be fun I promise, please? You'd also have to bring your glasses." I told him, I wanted to him to see all the pretty colors there.

"hm no."

"wha-" I said back, confused why he just denied my idea. I was cut off before I could even finish.

"Mmm no."

"George, are you serious right now."

"Hm yea. I was kidding Dream I will go."

"That's what I thought." I said as I lifted my head up a bit and gave his cheek a wet kiss and moving the hair that was in the way of seeing his handsome face.

His cold pale cheeks against my warm lips, his glossy dark brown eyes looking at my emerald green eyes, his luscious, pump, pink lips against mine, his soft dark brown hair in my hands. We were one, we were apart of each other, I need him and he needs me.

"Okay let's get up baby." I got out of bed, throwing the covers off me and dragging George out of bed, which was difficult since he wasn't really cooperating with me. I opened the drawer and took out a t-shirt and sweats for both of us.

I opened the closet and grabbed one of my hoodies and threw it at George along with the sweats and shirt. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly falling asleep, until I threw the clothes at him quickly waking him back up.

He took off his shirt and replaced it with the new one, he did the same for the sweats. After we both changed we walked out to the car. It was sunset, by the time we got there it would probably be nighttime.


We had been driving for 10 minutes. George was trying hard to not fall asleep, he said he was 'Resting his eyes' yeah okay. He tended to fall asleep easier in car rides.

I started to pull up to the place. There wasn't a parking lot, it was more of a reserved area. I looked over to George who was already fast asleep, wrapped in a blanket. Once I got out the car I opened his door and tried to pick him up but it was to hard in the position he was in.

"George we're here." I whispered into his ear, trying to wake him up by shaking him. "Hmm" He hummed back at me, moving away from my grasp. "George. George. George." I kept whispering into his ear. "What." He asked me opening his eyes a bit.

"We're here. C'mon baby." Trying to get him to get out. "You can bring the blankets." I told him. He finally got out of the car with the blankets wrapped around his entire body. We walked over to the place where my dad brought me.

"Close your eyes." I told George, I took out the glasses from my pocket and put them one him. "Open." 

"Just as beautiful as always." I mumbled under my breath, looking up with a twinkle in my eye. Which caused George to glance over to me then look up to see what I was looking at.

 Which caused George to glance over to me then look up to see what I was looking at

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(yes I know its ugly, please don't bash me ab it🙄 don't repost please)


"Oh, wow." I whispered looking up at the sky. All the stars were visible along with the present moon. They were shining brightly. The colors in the sky were so beautiful. There was purple black and blue they were all mixed together making it even better. I wished I could see colors like this all the time.

It was cold. I could see my own breath as well with Dream's. His hoodie warmed me up though. It smelled like him too which I loved. My lips formed into a smile then I closed my eyes to feel the cold hair against my face, taking in the moment.

"Do you like it?" Dream asked me looking at me. I opened my eyes and went straight to look into his eyes, loosing track of time at how pretty they were. " I love it, so much, thank you." I told him back still looking at his face. He had faint freckles with some of his blonde hair covering his eyes just a bit but not enough to not see his eyes at all.


Now every time I thought of this place I would think of George. Instead of, my dad. 

"Pass me a blanket."

"What why?"

"Just do it."

Once he handed me the blanket I spread it out onto the grass and laid down onto it. Once we both were laying down I took the other one he had and covered us.

I was really into stars and space. I knew most of the constellations I pointed each one out to George. Trying to get him to guess the names which he knew none of. I thought it was kind of funny he knew none of the names.

Each time I would say 'What do you think that ones called?' he would just say 'I don't knoww' and make up random names that made no sense at all. The only one he knew was the Big Dipper. I tried teaching him all the names but he kept forgetting them all.

We were giggling and laughing. Under the blanket I was tracing small hearts on his thigh.

Another moment that I would never want to forget.



sorry for not posting in a while I took a little break.

(1035 words) love you, please drink and eat something, maybe even take a shower!

-sage <33

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