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I have a lot planned out for angst chapters coming out soon! i've been trying to do some other fluff or smut chapters before and take it kind of slow. But i'm really excited!

vote :]?

Small giggles came out from the boy's mouth beside me as I traced hearts onto his thigh. His face would blush a light pink and his mouth would turn into a smile. He would try and rub his face to cover it but I always noticed, why wouldn't I?

"Why do you always cover your blushhh?" I cooed, moving my body up and staying half up with my elbow trying to gently remove his hands from his face. "I don't like it." He said covering his face which caused his words to be slightly muffled.

God i'm in love with you.

"I do." I said back going back down and staring into the sky. "I love whenever you blush around me, I love it all."


We stayed on the grass wrapped in blankets looking at the stars for an hour. "C'mon baby lets go." I whispered, getting up to sit up and looking over at him, he fell asleep. His sleeping face was so pretty I could stare for hours if I could. I picked him up, bridal style, and wrapped the extra blanket around him, carrying him back to the car.

Once I got to the car I opened the back door laying him down. I looked at his face again and couldn't help but smile before closing the door and returning to the drivers seat. I turned on the ac to make sure he wouldn't get to hot with the two blankets and hoodie. 

I started to drive back with a smile on my face. I grabbed my phone, opened Spotify and played the playlist we shared. The streets were pretty empty. The moonlight lit up my face as I drove with one hand on the staring wheel as I hummed to each song that played.


I woke up to music playing and faint humming. I slowly started to open my eyes and got up half way and saw Dream swaying his head side to side as he hummed away. I started to lay back down and snuggled back into the blanket and admire him.

I closed my eyes again, falling back asleep to the music.


I woke up again but this time there was no music and Dream had the door opened and was looking down on me with a smile. "Finally you're awake." He said back with a breathy laugh right after. "Yeah I am." I said as I got out of the car holding the blankets around me and waddled towards the door.

Once I got inside I sighed and dropped both of the blankets to the floor and walked up to our room. I got in our room and closed the door behind me and jumped on to the bed and then heard Dream say "GEORGE WHY'D YOU LEAVE THE BLANKETS DOWN HERE?"

I giggled to myself and yelled back "I FORGOT SORRY!" and pulled out my phone. I clicked twitter and looked and all the recent tweets my friends sent. Some tweets were about them flirting and other dumb stuff.

Dream came back into the room and sat onto the bed, looking at me. He pulled me in and for a kiss he then went down to my neck and starting sucking giving me a hickey. Once he pulled away I yelled, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I started to rubbing my neck with a pouty expression.  He started to laugh and proceeded to say "I don't know, your neck looked kinda bare. It was tempting."

"So does yours, why do I have to be the one to get the hickey?" I was still rubbing my neck then he said "You can give me one." A smirk started to grow on his face and raised his eyebrows starting to slightly rise. I responded "Maybe I will." moving my gaze to his neck and looking back into his eyes.

I grabbed him by the collar of his t-shirt and started sucking on his neck "Ah fuck." he whispered out, I pulled away and his on his neck he had a purple mark with saliva on it. I wiped my mouth and said "There not so bare hm?" his mouth was slightly open looking into my eyes, surprised of what I had just done.

"George that hurtt." He whined out and tried to rub my saliva off. "Yeah now you know what it feels like." I said back confidently. "Yeah but it also felt good." 

I felt my face started to heat up and I assumed it was turning red. I covered my face trying to cover it. I looked back up at him and he looked proud of himself. 

"Ugh." I let out.

I laid down on my side with my head on the pillow facing the opposite way of dream. I tried to continue to scroll on twitter but it was hard since my face was burning up. "Dream I'll be right back."

I got up and went to the restroom, starting to splash cold water onto my face. I let out a sigh of relief as the cold water touched my face. I looked into the mirror to see if my face was still red. Once my face started to cool down I dried it off and walked back into our room.

"Im back." I laid back down onto the bed and went under the sheets, pulling out my phone.


"Im hungry." I told dream tugging onto his sleeve. "I can get some good if you would like." verifying what I wanted. "Yay! I want chic-fil-a and some ice cream please..?" asking him if he would actually do it.

"Sure." He assured me, looking into my eyes and starting get up out of bed.


After I have been waiting for about 20 minutes I heard the form door open and close. I quickly ran downstairs to see the chic-fil-a bag and a tub of cookies and cream ice cream on the table. My eyes glowed looking at the food and I looked back up at him. "Thank you!"

I grabbed the food and sat onto the couch. I had the food laying next to me while I picked out a movie. When I found an interesting one I clicked on it and it started to play. I opened the bag and grabbed out the fries and popped them into my mouth.

Dream sat next to me taking a couple of fries. I laid my head down onto his lap and continued to watch the movie. I looked up at him and saw him slowly falling asleep but not trying to.

"George i'm going to go to sleep." He simultaneously turned off the lights. Now that I think about it I was getting tired. It was already 2:56 and I didn't sleep much in the car. "Me too." I responded.

He started to play with my hair, massaging my head at the same time. "Goodnight my love." He whispered giving my cheek a kiss. I smiled and let out air from my nose I whispered a small "Goodnight, I love you." 

The 'I love you' was a bit quieter than the rest but i'm sure he heard it. I staring to move my finger across his forearm, making random squiggles and shapes. His steady breathing always calmed me, I started to feel myself become weaker and hard to keep moving my hand so I rested my hand on his forearm and fell asleep to his breathing with a smile on my face.



hoped you liked it?

(1299 words) hydrate please? love you!


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