Australia x Japan part 3

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{Japan's POV}
We had enough time to go behind the school and search for some crickets. Australia does the most searching and I just sit under a tree and watched him.

At one point, he got tired of trying to search it so he sat down next to me and rest his body on the trunk of the tree. He had his hat on the grass and he was looking up in the sky.

-Look, it looks like a cat. That cloud over there. He said and pointed at a specific cloud so I looked up and followed his finger.

-Huh, it kinda does.

-Right? And over there, looks like a spider.

-No it doesn't! It looks more like... A dragon!

-How can we go from a spider to a dragon? Do you not know how big of a difference they have?

-Yeah but, look, that's the head and the soft cloud near his face is smoke that is coming out of his nose.

-And his body is like a ball?

-Yeah, cuz it's cold and he wants to sleep. I protest and he laughed at me. I blushed in embarrassment and crossed my arms.

-What's wrong? He asked and wiped away a tear coming out of his eyes.

-Because it's a dragon! And you won't accept it! I said and let go of my position and played with the grass.

-Guess you don't understand... That's fine. He whispered and wore his hat and it covered his eyebrows and eyes.

I don't understand? We were just talking about clouds. What didn't I understand? Reading his body language, I can bet his disappointed and sad. He had his head down with his smile gone and his upper body leaning on the tree. Arms crossed and legs too. I know he's awake because he's always way too energetic to fall asleep.

-What didn't I understand? I asked and dragged my body closer to him. He looked up and pushed his hat up a bit to see me better.

-Nothing, forget it. He whispered and look back down and crossed back his arms.

-No, I know you're disappointed and I wanna know why. You rarely get sad. I continued, getting on my knees and rocked his left arm, begging.

-Remember the letter?

-That we talked about just now? In the arts class?

-Yeah. He whispered and let go his arms and looked up at me since I was towering over him. -Remember when you asked if it was a lover letter or not? And I didn't have enough time to tell you,

-Yep. I said and I sat on my ankle. Now he's looking down at me.

-It's a love letter. Tell me you don't feel the same and we can still be friends, at least. I know it will be weird to be best friends with someone who confessed to you, but-

-You're talking too much. I said and he instantly closed his mouth.

-Sorry, just that I'm scared and you know-

-Let me talk. I raised my voice to over power his and he looked down.

-Okay, go on.

-I... When I got your letter, I was jumping with joy when I found out it was a love letter. Yet, I wasn't sure because you say you love me when we hang out so I wasn't sure. But now, when you tell me face to face, I... You know what, I love you too. I said trying to formulate a good sentence.

I got nearer to him and wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest. His heart was beating fast. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. I wasn't comfortable in the position I was and he knew it so he crossed his legs. There was space in it so I went there and let him go and just rest my head on his chest and he wrapped my body with his arms.

-Can you say it again? He asked and I got confused.


-That you love me?

-Sure. I love you, Australia.

-I love you too, Japan. He whispered and planted a kiss on my head.

We stayed like this until the bell rang. I wish I didn't have to let him go, but I did.


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