Part Three

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Rene finally guided Garret into his room, shutting the door behind him. It was only then he broke the kiss, moving his lips to Garret's neck. He sucked. Garret hummed in delight. Rene pulled back, casting his glassy gaze on Garret's equally glassy gaze. 

The arousal in the young man's eyes was evident. Rene cupped Garret's face in both his hands, "How d'ya want it?"

The question made it real. They were really doing this. 

"Isn't it your birthday? Shouldn't we have it how you want?" Garret grinned. 

Rene smirked back, "Sure?" Garret nodded. "If ya change ya mind, le'me know immediately. I don't want ya ta be uncomfortable."

The word "uncomfortable" made him a little nervous, but Garret nodded again. Rene reached up, and began unbutton Garret's shirt. Having a sexy stranger's hands at his shirt sent shivers down Garret's spine. Once all the buttons were unfastened, he pulled the shirt down Garret's arm--off and onto the floor it dropped. 

Rene's gaze roamed Garret's naked, hairless chest taking in every inch. Garret felt like a million bucks as Rene seductively appraised him. Rene mutter something indecipherable in French, then ran his finger under Garret's chin, "Ya even more beautiful then I imagined." he whispered. Garret felt his skin flush, but said nothing. 

What could he possible add to that? 

Rene brushed his thumb over Garret's lips. The feather touch was quick, but exhilarating. Rene moved his hand to his own throat and began to tug on the knot in his tie. 

"Here, let me." Garret started some seduction of his own. 

Rene lowered his hand, letting Garret take hold of his tie. Slowly Garret yanked at the knot, loosening the grey and burgundy striped silk. He released the tie, letting it slink to the floor.

Garret bent in and began to unfasten Rene's small shirt buttons with his teeth. Rene chuckled softly and reveled in the sensation Garret sparred with every unfastening bite. As Garret finished the last button Rene smirked, "I see ya have special talent."

"You should see my other oral talents." Garret's sex-deepened voice replied as he removed Rene's shirt entirely, letting it join his own on the floor. 

Rene's smirk intensified, "I'm lookin' forward." 

The men continued undressing each other until they were both completely nude. Garret had never been naked in front of a total stranger before, but some how, in front of Rene, he didn't feel the self-conciseness he'd been expecting. Counter to anything that seemed sensible, Rene didn't feel like a stranger at this moment. He felt safe. For some bizarre reason, a total stranger--naked in an unfamiliar bedroom--felt safe.

Garret didn't let his mind question this too long. He was afraid of what his cluttered mind would come up with. Rene rubbed his hand up the back of Garret's neck and into his dark blonde hair. Once again smirking, his devil-may-care was back. He knelt and lifted the grey and burgundy tie off the floor, "Ever been tied up?" he voice was sultry.

Garret's eyes widened a bit, "No." he admitted. Rene toyed with the tie, loosely weaving it between his fingers, "I guess there's a firs' time fah everythin', yes?" it was a sexy way to ask for consent.

"It's your birthday." was Garret's answer. 

Rene chewed his lip, trying not to smile, "Oui. It is, for true . . .but they your wrists."

"My wrists are willin' to try anything once." Garret replied. 

Rene leaned in and kissed Garret deeply, once again using the kiss to guide him back. This time to the bed. Rene's voices was soft, but authoritative as he told Garret to lie out on the bed. Garret obeyed, pressing his tawny head on the pillow. Rene sat on the bed next to Garret. 

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