Part Five

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Rene's Song:


Morning sun streaked in across Garret's body. The sheets, slightly damp from the Louisiana humidity, were riding low on Garret, wrapping around his waist. His bare, slightly freckled back soaked in the sunlight. The sound of summer bugs chirping in the trees was a gentle alarm clock. Garret rolled over from stomach to back. 

The disorientation of the unfamiliar hit his senses as his eyes opened. For a second he'd forgot where he was, what had happened. The scent of sex clinging to the sheets spurred his memory. The loose tie crumpled on his pillow seemed to give off cheek as it lay there, reminding Garret exactly what had happened last night. 


He looked over at the other side of the bed. It was empty, the sheets a tangled knot, the pillow indented but abandoned. He wondered where his Adonis had gone. The dense aroma of coffee and bacon in the air caught Garet's attention. His Adonis was making breakfast. 

Garret rubbed his eyes with his palms, letting what he'd done last night sink in. He'd fucked a stranger. He let a stranger bind him to the bed with a silk tie and give him some of the best sex he'd ever had. The realization it was, in fact, some of the best sex he'd ever had scared him a little. In spite of his fear, Garret indulged a small smile. He'd heard Cajun men were masters of fucking, but he questioned if the whispers were just stereotype.

Last night gave him his answer. Rene had more than lived up to the rumors. 

He wondered what Rene was thinking. How did he feel about bringing a man home and having his way with him for his birthday? What did they do now

Garret's nose told him the next step was breakfast. Breakfast with Rene. He feared it may be the most awkward breakfast of his life. 

Garret lifted himself up off the bed, sitting up. He was glad it was Saturday or he'd be late to catch the streetcar for work . . .not that he had a job at the moment, anyhow. 

He ran his hands through his blonde hair. With eyes cast down, he spied a white and cream silk bathrobe. A note was pinned to it: Pour tu, mon cher.

Mon cher. . .it seemed Rene wasn't entirely through charming him. Garret smiled softly, unpinned the note, and wrapped the robe around his naked body. The fabric was slinky and cool as it caressed his bare flesh. The faintest smell of Rene's spicy cologne mixed with vanilla pipe tobacco clung to the robe. Garret lifted the silk to his nose and breathed in, a strange melancholy affection brewed in his belly. 

He pushed it down, not ready to deal with such feelings after only a one-night-stand with a man he met in a speak-easy. He stood, made his way to the bathroom where he splashed cool water on his face. It was then Garrett realized he didn't have a toothbrush--that's what happens when you sleep with a man on a whim. He made use of Rene's mouthwash figuring he wouldn't mind. It was better than nothing. 

Garret eyed the shower. He was sure he smelled of fuck, but he decided to wait for a shower. Not only did he did he feel strange hopping in Rene's shower without asking, he also didn't want to let breakfast go cold after Rene'd went through all the trouble of cooking it. 

After all, he didn't have to hide his scent from Rene, it's not like he didn't know what happened last night. He opened the bathroom door. 

Time to see what waited for him in the kitchen.

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