Part Seven

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Rene pulled clean underwear out of dresser draw, sitting on the bed he tugged them on. Garret watched, then turned realizing he was gauwking like a horny teenager. He needed to get a grip on his sex hormones. 

Looking down at the pile of clothes that were his own, he picked up his underwear . . .he only had this pair. He'd have to rewear them.

"Ya can have a pair a mine, chere." Rene said over his shoulder without turning around. Garret looked up, wondering how he'd known. 

He noticed Rene could see him in the dresser mirror. "No, I can manage." Garret replied.

Rene raised an eyebrow, smirking, "What the matter? 'Fraid I got cooties?"

Garret rolled his eyes at the infantile word, "No, I think it's clear I don't fear your cooties. I don't want to be a bother."

"No bother, I have plenty . . .unless you have a kink for reusin' underwear, then by all means." Rene's smirk borderlined on evil as he teased.

Garret made a face that said "fuck you" and threw his underwear at Rene's head. The garment hit him; fell to the bed. 

Rene chuckled, "Now ya just flirtin'."

Garret took Rene's offer of fresh underwear. Rene picked up his pants off the bed, watching Garret on the down-low as he pulled the underwear on. Rene didn't want to acknowledge the combination of endearment and sexual arousal that came over him as he watched this beautiful stranger sliding his own underwear up his legs and over his bare ass.

Rene shook the feelings away, pulled on his trousers, then proceeded to make the bed. Garret offered to help and they made up the bed together.

As they tossed the pillows at the head of the bed, Rene smiled, "We make a great husband and wife don't we?"

Garret shook his head, "No, husbands don't help make beds. Don't you know? That woman's work."

Rene's smile turned saucy, "Well, then I guess we both wives, then."

Garret shook his head with small grin, "You're incorrigible."

"I try."

Garret picked his shirt up off the floor, seeing how wrinkled it'd become. He really should have laid it out on the chair in the corner instead of letting it drop it to the floor. Of course in the midst of sexual foreplay, that kind of logic had been all but absent from his mind.

Rene saw the wrinkled mess of a shirt, raising a brow. He told Garret there was a thin closet in the kitchen with a pull down ironing board and an iron on the shelf above.

Dressed only in his trousers, Garret took the shirt to the kitchen to be ironed. While Garret searched for the slim closet, then fumbled with the iron, Rene finished dressing. He was just adding the final adjustment to the knot in his tie when Garret came back in the room. He'd pulled his freshly ironed shirt on, but left it unbuttoned. 

He found his socks and shoes, putting them on before standing to fastened his shirt. He was tucking the shirt in his pants when he noticed he didn't see his tie anywhere.

"Fuck." he muttered as he searched.

Rene was splashing cologne on his face, "What the matter, chere?"

"I can't find my fuckin' tie."

Rene turned from the dresser mirror to see Garret looking under the bed, "It has ta be somewheres." he set the cologne bottle down and looked behind the dresser. No tie.

Garret stood, putting his hand on his hips, his gaze searched the perimeter of the room, "How far did you toss it?"

Rene grinned sheepishly as he look behind the chair, "I don't remember."

Garret sighed, "I don't see it anywhere."

"Mebbe da swamp fairies stole it away." Rene smirked.

Garret gave him a look that said "please be serious", shaking his head. Rene's eyes fell to a wood dressing rack near his closet. He used it to hang belts on, there was a tie hanging from it. 

He walked over, taking the tie in his hand, "'Ere."

Garret looked at the grey and burgundy tie, "That's not mine, that's your tie from last night."

Rene stood in front of Garret, yanked up his collar, "Yeah, I know." he wrapped it around his neck, "Ya can have it, I got plenty." Rene began tying the knot, "Ya can keep it as a reminder of what else ya can do with a tie besides wear it." the sexy glint in his eye was wicked as he grinned.

Garret looked down at the tie, a deep vibration ran down his spine settling at the base, spreading through his hips. Suddenly the tie meant so much more. His cheeks flushed as he remember the feeling of its silk biting into his wrists as Rene fucked him.

Rene tightened the knot, smoothed Garret's collar down, "There. I think it look better on you, anyway, chere." he winked. Garret's knees felt weak.

Rene grabbed a handless brush off his dresser, running it over his hair, "What do you say we walk through Nawlins, hm?" he paused his hair brushing to flash a grin at Garret, "No one can deny two friends walkin' through da city."

"Sure. Sounds nice." Garret used his fingers to comb his hair.

Rene finished brushing his hair, handing the handless brush to Garret. When Garret finished stroking the soft bristles through his hair, Garret offered him his suit jacket, "Shall we, then?"

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