Part Four

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Rene's hands continued their upward caress until he was cupping both sides of Garret's ass. He kneaded the heel of his palms in the firm roundness of flesh, then pushed his ass apart. Garret held his breath, waiting, wondering what was going to happen. 

Many scenarios swam in his mind, but before he could go through them all, Rene made his move, shattering all of Garret's wonder. Rene slid a thumb against Garret's opening, massaging circles in the tight ring. Garret's moan came from a deep place in his belly. 

The sound made Rene's erection harden further just over the line of what was comfortable. Truth be told, Rene had never been so hard before. He ground his jaw, battling for control. He retained control over himself and moved his thumb up to Garret's cock. He gather some moister from the glistening tip, then rubbed his now wet thumb once again against Garret's pink rosette. 

Garret's groans deepened, his hips bucked, his ring of muscle relaxed. As Rene felt Garret's body giving in to his coercing touch, he couldn't take it any more. He had to feel him. Rene positioned himself at Garret's opening pausing less then a moment before pressing himself in, forcing Garret's body to take him. 

His tip slid in. Rene let out a noise between a cry and a moan at the deep, hot pleasure the inside of Garret's body gave him. Garret's grip on the tie bonds was harsh as he felt the penetration, his teeth sunk into his lower lip. Rene stopped tip deep inside Garret, letting Garret's ass adjust to the pressure. 

When Garret's ass began to suck in Rene's dick on its own, he took the cue. He pushed just a little deeper, began to make circles deep inside Garret's eager opening. Both men were lost in total sexual ecstasy.

Rene thrust his dick deeper into Garret, watching him gasp and writhe, come closer and closer to climax. Rene wanted to watch Garret go over the edge, to fracture into pieces. As he pumped in and out of Garret's ass, he reached up a hand taking hold of Garret's rigid dick. 

It was hot, hard in his palm. He yanked it with rasping staccato jerks. Garret let out a second uncontrollable, raw shout--he continued that shout over and over as Rene watched, Rene got off on watching Garret scream.

He began a climax of his own. He thrust harder, moving Garret further up the mattress with his brut fucks. The two men came together--hard--shattering like glass in a hurricane. Easing down off orgasm both men were sweaty and shaking. 

Rene dragged himself out from under Garret. With limp limbs he yanked at Garret's bonds, loosening the tie from the bedpost. Garret's arms fell lifeless over his head. Rene managed pulling himself up next to Garret, collapsing. Both men still trembled, the room heavy with silence, earthy musk, and damp heat.

The only sound was the music of frogs on the far away bayou. Rene reached out, took Garret into his arms. It was an intimate jester for a stranger to do, even after steamy sex. Garret let the intimate jester happen, sinking in Rene's arms. He laid his head on Rene's chest, he felt a sweaty tangle of dark chest hair tickle his ear. 

Their breaths fell into rhythm with each other. They laid in the quiet afterglow, sleep tugging their eyelids. Half dazed with slumber, Garret broke the quiet, "Rene?" he murmured.

"Oui?" Rene muttered through partially opened lips.

"Happy Birthday."

In the darkness, a lope-sided grin cracked Rene's face, "Merci, cher." he hugged Garret a little closer, "Merci. . . "

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