Part Six

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Cozette had a train to catch. With a kiss on Rene's mouth and a kiss on Garret's cheek, she left in the exuberant whirlwind she'd come in. 

Rene shut the back door behind her, "She somthin', ain't she?"

Garret sat with his legs crossed at the knee, he knocked cigarette ash in his empty plate, "I like her. Seems like an optimistic ball buster."

Rene laughed as he collected the breakfast dishes for the sink, "That she is."

Garret put his cigarette out on his coffee saucer, "Here, let me help with that." he stood.

Rene left the dishes in the sink, turning. He walked up to Garret, cupped his face in his hands, "Naw, leave'em. How 'bout a shower instead?" his voice was soft, deep. 

A tingle crawled up Garret's spine, "That sounds swell."

In the bathroom, Rene leaned in, turning on the shower. He splashed his hand in the spray, "It takes a while to warm up."

"Price of living secluded?" Garret teased.

Rene untied his robe, letting the silk slide off his body, "It has it benefits, though." 

Naked, he walked boldly passed Garret to hang his robe up on the hook behind the bathroom door. Garret watched Rene slowly passed him, eyeing his lean muscle, "Yeah, it does."

Rene tugged on Garret's robe tie causing the rode to fall open, "Any idea how we can keep busy while the water warms?"

Garret shrugged out of his robe, "Yeah, I think so." 

He pressed a hand against Rene's chest, wiggled his fingers in the light peppering of chest hair, he felt Rene's heartbeat speed up. 

As Garret felt the pounding rhythm, he leaned in to press his mouth on Rene's lips. The faint flavor of cigarette, coffee, and hot sauce mingled on his tongue. Rene moaned. Reaching his hands around, he grabbed the round mounds of Garret's ass. He dug the tips of his fingers into Garret's flesh. Garret gasped, deepening the kiss. Steam began to fill the bathroom.

Rene pulled back from the kiss, "I think dat water's hot, cher."

"Or maybe it's us." Garret's eyes flare with suppressed passion. 

Rene raised one brow with amusement. It took some strength, but he managed to walk away from Garret to the shower. He reached his hand in the water. It was scorching. 

Rene adjusted the temperature to be comfortable, stepping in, "Come on in, da water's fine." he winked. 

Garret followed Rene under the spray. Water flowed in small streams over Rene's shoulders, ran down his chest, dripped from his nipples. The sight alone had Garret half hard already. 

Rene took his wet hands and ran them over Garret's dark blonde hair, moistening it, "Let's see what ya look like wet, mon petit." Rene whispered. 

Garret moved in the small shower, exchanging places with Rene. He let the water pour down his body. Rene watched, chewing his lower lip. Garret didn't have to ask if Rene liked what he saw. The erection jutting up between his legs said it all.

 Rene pressed in, kissed the soft spot under Garret's ear. Despite the heat of the water, Garret shivered. Rene moved his kiss to the middle of Garret's chest. After one soft kiss, Garret pulled back. 

Rene looked up, water droplets clung to his long, dark lashes. "Non?" he questioned. 

Garret shook his head, "Yes, but like this." Garret knelt down in front of Rene. He skirted his index finger up Rene's hard dick. Rene gasped and moaned. 

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