Part Nine

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I' d like to share the song I listened to for inspiration while writing Garret and Rene's love story. I'd also like to dedicate this story to George--we'll do lunch some time. : )


Three months passed. 

Garret and Rene were still together--underground dating, they called it. 

Garret had gotten the balls to have Rene pick him up at the apartment--it was his birthday now. They were going out to eat, see a movie, then spend all night at Rene's doing very naughty things to each other.

 Dottie was coming, too--well, for the dinner and movie. As for late night entertainment, she had a guy of her own. However, Dottie'd agreed to pretend to be Rene's date to trick the landlady.

All three of them got a kick out of pulling one over on the old bag.

Garret could hear Rene's signature knock on Dottie's front door--one tap, pause, three fast taps. He smiled, grabbing his hat.

"Hey, there, sugar. Whatever you're sellin', I'm buyin'." Dottie called out to Rene when she opened the door.

Garret shook his head as he waited for her to knock on his door. Dottie really could be over the top. . . but that's why he loved her. She rapped on Garret's door, "Open up, sweetie, my sugar daddy's here, and we're gonna take you out for a real birthday treat!"

Garret opened his door . . .and the landlady opened hers. She stood at the door like a shriveled specter in black lace up to her chin, "What's all that caterwauling out here?" she eyed Dottie and Rene, "You two again, don't you two get enough carousin'?"

Dottie hung on Rene's arm with an air that could only be seen as an openly sexual, "You get enough, sugar?" she bat her big eyes at Rene.

Rene had to stifle a smirk on his lips, "No, babydoll." he put a deeply sensual tone in his voice. Rene played his roll well, nuzzling her neck.

Dottie giggled, more at Rene's play acting then at his nose tickling her. It was all Garret could do not bust out laughing. Those two deserved an award, Rene and Dottie almost had him believing they fucked.

The landlady breathed out a deep sound of disapproval and disgust, "What are young people today?"

"Ah, don't have kittens. We're just takin' Garret out for a little celebration, it's his birthday ya know. Wanna come?" Dottie asked with feigned innocents.

"Heavens no, I should say I don't!" the woman's face creased in deep wrinkles of distain at the thought of being invited to whatever sin den the corrupted partiers were headed. She eyed Dottie on Rene's arms, "I've see her with other men besides you, ya know." the biddy informed Rene as if conspiring.

Rene didn't like the way this landlady was talking about Dottie, so he gave it right back to the old prune, "That be alright. I bed some other's m'self."

Dottie and Garret tried not to laugh at the inside implication of Rene's retort. The landlady's eyes widened, aghast.

"Ya have to keep things interestin', pal." Dottie said, winking and clicking her tongue at the old woman.

"Well, I never! I'm not your 'pal'!" she huffed, insulted at Dottie's irreverence to an elder. Her eyes zeroed in on Garret, "And you, don't you have someone to fornicate with?"

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