Chapter 17

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Jason held Reyna close.

Reyna tried to move away, twice. But Jason just held her close and told her to relax.

Surprising, she didn't argue. But no matter how long Jason stood there with her, her trembling and mixed emotions Jason could feel coming off her did not subdue.

It was quiet for a long while. But Jason knew very well that Reyna just needed this.

That was all. No trip to the infirmary or however many days in bed could fix things like a simple caring hug could.

After some time, Reyna began to pull back again, and Jason slowly let go as well.

Reyna didn't look up at him or anything, but. Jason was used to that.

"Um..." Reyna cleared her throat, which sounded dry and tight.

"You should get to breakfast. I-I'm sorry, John brought you all the way out here." She apologized.

Jason frowned slightly and shook his head softly. "No no, it's fine." Jason assured her. Offering a small smile.

"A-are you okay...?" He asked a bit hesitantly. But Reyna just nodded her head and stepped back a bit. "You need to go now though, I have to get ready." Reyna said.

Jason sighed.

Here we go again. She's acting tough.

One wall down two more up.

She has so many walls up they're crumbling beneath one another and destroying her inside out.

The foundation will collapses and the rubble will spill and they're be to much to just pick up and toss away.

"Reyna... You know you can talk to me...? Right?" Jason said softly.

This time. Reyna looked up at him, her game face stronger than ever and her eyes set cold as stone.

"No," she admitted. "But. Thank you for thinking so." She said and walked over to the door. Opening it for him.

Jason could feel his chest tighten up.

Her words hurt him.

Here he was trying to help her. And she wouldn't take it!

Jason was beginning to feel desperate. He didn't like seeing Reyna this way.


"It's time to go Jason. Breakfast will be over soon and, I want to be alone." Reyna admitted.

"I don't want you to be alone Reyna. It's no good for you. You need people. You need friends." Jason argued.

"I've lasted long enough alone. I don't need to start 'needing' people now, Jason. The last time I had someone close they vanished." She argued back, in a frighteningly calm tone.

Jason looked at her a bit shocked.

She was talking about him wasn't she?

"Reyna-" Jason tried again but it was clear Reyna didn't want to hear anymore.

She put up her hand and made a gesture like she was ready to pull out her hair before letting out a deep breath and allowing her hands to drop again.

"I don't have time for this." She mumbled and went over to her closet.

Pulling out a t-shirt and slipping on pants over her pyjamas.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked.

"Jason. Please just stop." She almost shouted.

"Just, worry about yourself. And how you're getting back to your friends. Okay? I have bigger problems right now than which people I need or, whatever your stressing over me about." Reyna said and looked around for her shoes.

Jason was quiet for a moment.

Looking down and playing with his bracelet piper had made him back at camp a while ago

"Reyna..." He mumbled.

Reyna ignored him and continued to look for her shoes.

"Reyna..." Jason said again, a bit louder.

Reyna glanced back at him but ignored him and continued to look again.


"What?" Reyna sighed irritatedly.

"You left your shoes at the infirmary... Remember? You ran from me last night and you were barefooted." Jason reminded.

Reyna sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Couldn't have you told me that earlier...?"

"You ignored me." Jason said defensively.

Reyna rolled her eyes and walked to her door.

But to Jason's surprise, she hesitated. Like she was afraid to step outside.

"J-Jason..." Reyna said a bit hesitantly and looked back at him.

"Yeah?" Jason asked.

"Can you do me a favour?"

"Uh... I guess... What is it?" He asked curiously

"Can you... Forget everything... Please?" Reyna asked. Turning her body towards him a bit.

Jason was caught off from her request.

Didn't she know he forgot his whole life before?

Doesn't she know what sort of hell he's been through not knowing who he was?

"Why should I?" Jason asked. His question coming out a bit angrier sounding than he meant to.

"You said you wanted to help, didn't you?" Reyna asked. Her eyes looking almost pleadingly.

Forget me not. (Jeyna fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now