Chapter 20

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When Jason finally found her he smiled a bit and made his way towards her table.

She didn't seem to happy, and he knew she probably wasn't going to be. But it didn't stop him from trying.

Reyna sighed loudly when he was in ears reach, it made him feel awkward. But he just chuckled a bit and stopped at the table.

"Hey." Jason said and hesitated before siting down.

"Hi." Reyna mumbled. Picking at her fruit. "You should order something soon. I'm leaving in a bit." She said.

This caught Jason off a bit. It was like she didn't want him to eat alone.

"U-uh. Okay. Yeah, I'll have fruit too." He said just as a servant ghost appeared.

In a moment he had his food set out in front of him along with coffee.

Two creams and a sugar, the way Piper always had hers. She got Jason into coffee by offering one sip. She was to blame now since he couldn't really start the day without it.

Thinking of Piper seemed a bit odd. He had completely forgot about her, and that made him feel bad.

"You ever try it with just plan before fancying it up...?" Reyna asked.

Jason looked up at her a bit before shaking his head. "I uh, no. No I like it all, uh, 'fancied up'." He said with a small smile.

Was she trying to be funny or was she making fun of his coffee choices?

"Do you ever try stepping up your coffee game?" Jason asked her.

"No. I've never really had it. I'm a hot chocolate person." Reyna said.

"Right.... Right I'm sorry. I forgot. You like having whip cream with it before bed sometimes, eh?" Jason asked as he stirred his cup.

Reyna was a bit caught off guard.

She hadn't done that in ages. She even forgot herself.

"Uh. I used to." She said. Jason could see her cheeks redden a bit.

"Try some." Jason offered. Holding his cup to her.

Reyna raised her eyebrow a bit before shaking her head. "No. I'm good." She assured.

"No c'mon. It's good!" Jason claimed.

Reyna sighed a bit but took the warm cup in her hands before hesitatingly taking a small sip.

Jason watched for a reaction but she just calmly put the cup down and looked off to her side a bit.

It was quiet for a moment before she coughed. Her eyes watered and her expression was priceless. She gaged a bit and shivered before covering her mouth.

"That's disgusting!" She cried and Jason cracked up laughing (without meaning too) and handed her a napkin.

She took the napkin and wiped her mouth before throwing it down.

She glared at Jason for his laughing but he didn't stop. A few campers glanced over as well and that just made Jason laugh more.

Reyna shook her head before smiling a bit as well. "Shut up, you look idiotic." She teased.

"Speak for yourself." He laughed.

Reyna rolled her eyes and picked at her fruit.

Jason calmed down after a while and sighed. His sides burning a bit.

'My plan is working much better than I planned' he thought as he took a sip of his drink.

Reyna looked over at him again and shivered at the coffee.

Jason smiled a bit and began to eat.

If the rest of the day goes as good as this without Reyna getting mad, he was sure she'd slowly begin to be her old self again.

Then, maybe they could be just as close as they were before.

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