Chapter 29

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Reyna walked as calmly as she could. Trying to act casual. But it didn't work. She just ended up looking like a dog walking on their back legs.

"Reyna...." John called out from behind her. "You have to formally welcome them." He reminded. "No I don't. They're not official yet." Reyna argued. "Neither were you and Jason. But you're furious and hurt." John remarked and Reyna tripped in her tracks and held her breath. "What are you talking about." She growled silently.

"You're game face has worn down quiet a lot you know." John sighed as he walked up to her. "You just can't hide certain feelings. Sometimes they're so strong they weren't meant to be hidden."

Thank you Oprah. For those words of wisdom.

Reyna shook her head and shrugged him off. "Whatever. Just. Don't talk to me about it. I don't care." She mumbled and continued walking.

This time John took her hand and made her stay. "Reyna I'm trying to help you. Why won't you let people care for you?" He questioned. Reyna tugged her arm away. Trying to avoid the question. "Reyna...." John said again. "Because no one like that exists." She answered.

When did her life become a cheesy 90's love drama sitcom?

"listen John. I don't have time for this. I really don't. So if you can respect that I'd really appreciate it." Reyna said as calmly as she could. "Yeah, but I don't." John replied. "Technically speaking, I'm suppose to be the one you respect. You're suppose to be on stress leave and I'm in charge until medics say it's okay for you to work and whatnot." He reminded.

Reyna signed and pushed a hand through her messy wavy hair. Out of habit she began to tie it up only to remember she owned no hair tie. "You're stressing out right now. I can tell because you're playing with your hair." John smiled.

Reyna let out an irritated sigh and let her hair fall. "Why is everyone on my back lately? So many people are interested in Jason and I and seeing me 'crumble' or fail and I cannot stand it. Why is everyone so focused on me when there's monsters to fight and battles to win."

"Because, you know how they make movies about heros losing their sanity and how innocent angel protagonist do something dramatically dangerous or scary? It draws attention to the story and makes it twice as interesting as the first movie. Here's a wake up call sweetie. You're the protagonist. People wanna see if you can keep your sanity while a who,e bunch of crap comes up in your life. They're interested in seeing how you'll handle it." John answered. "I have to admit. I'm interested myself." he smiled. "Because movies where the protagonist overcomes any obstacle with a new, stronger and wiser personality are my favourite. They're the best ones out there."

Reyna smiled a bit and looked down. Never would she admit this to anyone but She was a bit flattered. "So you think I should become a movie character? T-that I should have my own theme song or something?" She joked. John laughed along with her. "Only tv characters have their own theme song dummy." He teased. Reyna rolled her eyes and laughed. "Whatever." She smiled a bit.

"Maybe you should go get ready properly. It'll be a long day." John told her. Reyna nodded and sighed. "See you in a bit." She said as she walked away. "Reyna." John called out once more. Reyna stopped and looked back at him. "What?" She asked. Her eyebrows furrowing together out of curiosity. "Talk to Jason. Properly. Okay? I-it's an order." John ordered. Sounding a bit hesitant.

Reyna bit the inside of her cheek and nodded slightly. "Yes sir." She sighed and continued walking a bit. John smiled w bit proudly of himself and walked away towards the dining hall.


Jason puffed some air out of his cheeks, he had never felt so awkward in his life. He could feel pipers questioning eyes on him. Waiting for one of them to say something. "Uh.... Let's go eat." Jason decided.

The others nodded and stood up. They must have felt a bit awkward themselves.

"I didn't realize you and hottie had a thing man." Leo teased as he nudged his side. "Um... I'm pretty sure girls aren't temperatures, Leo." Piper snapped. "Woah. Sorry... I was just kidding pipes" Leo said. Struggling not to laugh.

Jason sigh. He couldn't tell Piper how he felt now, she was mad. But then again, if he didn't tell her now he may never feel capable of doing so ever. He wasn't even sure he wanted to anymore, because let's face facts here. There wasn't even any word that Reyna would take him back. But then again they were never really a thing to begin with.

"Jason cmon. I want to talk to you." Piper said softly. The rest of the seven hurried out after hearing that and Piper waited for Jason to sit back down. "Okay." Jason nodded and sat down carefully, as if he were on thin ice.

Piper sat down after him and they sat in silence for a few seconds before Piper sat up a bit more and took Jason's hand softly. "Jason..." She started but Jason shook his head softly and looked up at her. He could feel his heart pounding in his ears. "I love Reyna, Piper...." He confessed.

Pipers eyes widened a bit and she gently let go of Jason hand. Moving back a bit. "I-..." She mumbled.

Jason took a deep breath and looked away for a moment. "I'm sorry, Piper. But I love Reyna. I-i mean, of course I love you too, you're my best friend. I could never bare to imagine how screwed I'd be if I didn't have you. But, I don't see any future for us the way you might. I-i don't picture us growing older or getting married or startling a family. I picture us both having families and whatnot. But not together." Jason explained shakily.

Why did he decided to confess now?

"Jason..." Piper sighed, Jason could tell just by her sigh that she was hurt. "T-that's okay..." She managed.


"Thats fine, thank you for telling me." She said, her voice barely coming out as a whisper. "I'm going to go eat now." She told him and stood up.

"Piper wait!" Jason called. Standing up after her but she shook her head. "No." "I want to talk about this. I don't want you to think of me as some jerk, I know it's messed up but-" Jason started explaining more but Piper walked away before he could finish. Her chest hurt. She was heart broken.

"Piper!" Jason called out but gave up and sighed. Sitting back down and slouching back. "I don't want to lose you Piper. I need my best friend...." He sighed.

Piper walked to the dining hall slowly. A silly part of her wishing Jason was kidding. That he would chase after her and say "just kidding. I love you!" But he didn't. And it killed her. Jason was her first serious boyfriend and he was leaving her for a girl we were all sure hated him deeply. So why was she losing to her?

Reyna wasn't pretty like herself. Reyna wasn't funny, or kind or had pretty eyes like Piper did. Reyna was serious, bossy and practically a mother to a thousand whiny kids that ran her life. What did Jason see in her? Why was her mother causing this type of drama? Why did her mother want to ruin her life?

Piper shook her head to clear her mind. When did Piper become this type of girl? The kind she hated. She was hurt yes, but that didn't mean she had a hall pass to hate Reyna or blame her mother, even though it was her mothers fault. Al Piper knew was that maybe Jason would take her back if she, improved a bit more.

Piper took a deep breath and enter the dining hall. Walking over to Leo and the others and did her best to hide her emotions.


Omg this story is getting worst and worst. I should have done a story plan or something. I'm thinking of finishing this And then maybe doing a sequel, about after Jason and Reyna start dating or maybe just re-starting the whole story in general. But I'm not giving up on this. I will finish it and then maybe edit a few (every) chapter.

All the help in the world is welcomed. I'm doing this for you Jeyna shippers. I don't want to fail you. 💕💕💕

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