Chapter 3

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"Just think about it, Quidditch for the seventh years alone! It would be a great idea!" Ginny exclaimed as they walked down the hallway.

After Defense against the dark arts, Most of the Slytherins and the Gryffindors had a free period.

Hermione decided that hanging out with Ginny, Harry and Ron would be acceptable.

As of now, the three of them were going on and on about how they want to divide Quidditch so the seventh years could play alone.

Hermione, obviously, was not involved in that conversation. She didn't know what was so thrilling about Quidditch that her friends were so obsessed with it.

"What do you think, Mione?" Ron asked her.

Ron definitely knew that Hermione didn't like Quidditch, but he didn't want her to feel left out.

"It is a nice idea. I just think you all should tell McGonagall first." Hermione shrugged.

The three looked around at each other before Ginny nodded frantically.

"We really should. Hermione, do you mind if we disappear for a second?"

In only a few minutes, Hermione was the only one left in the hallway.

She didn't mind.

She started walking toward the black lake where she can hopefully sit alone and read the book she had.

Once she was at the black lake, Hermione sat down on a bench that was right in front of the lake.

She was about to open the book when someone yelled her name from nearby.

"Hey, Granger!" Hermione heard Pansy's voice.

"Do you wanna join us in the common room?"

Hermione turned around to see Pansy and Adrian heading toward her.

"Oh, sure guys. Do you have a free period as well?"

Pansy nodded while Adrian shrugged.

"I have Herbology but I am skipping." He said.

Hermione's eyebrows shot up before she regained her posture.

"Come on, they are waiting in the common room." Pansy took Hermione's hand and tugged her toward the school.




Hermione was now standing next to Pansy and Adrian in the common room.

In front of them, Daphne, Blaise, Theo, Draco, and surprisingly Neville were sitting on two couches.

Hermione squinted her eyes when she saw Neville.

"Hey Mione! Come join us, we were just talking." Neville smiled.

Adrian sat on a chair as Pansy took Hermione's hand and led her to a couch.

A lot of people have been tugging her to couches lately. Is it the couches season or something?

"Hey, Granger." Blaise greeted her.

Hermione smiled as she sat down next to Pansy.

Hermione didn't know what to do. She was sat here, next to a few Slytherins who used to bully the life out of her.

She noticed how Neville was so relaxed with Theo. Both of them clicked together after they discovered their love for Herbology was mutual.

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