Chapter 10

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"Miss Granger..."

Professor McGonagall was stood behind her mahogany desk while professor Alvaro leaned against one of the chairs, a smile painted on his face.

Hermione ignored him and turned to professor McGonagall.


Whatever Hermione was going to say, it was cut off by professor McGonagall's gasp.

"Merlin's beard!"

Professor McGonagall sprinted from behind her desk to where Hermione stood.

"Godric! What happened to your arm?" The professor looked at her with wide concerned eyes.

Hermione managed to give her a tight smile, "Don't worry about me, professor," with a glance at professor Alvaro, "I wanted to talk to you about something." Hermione said, turning her attention back to the professor.

"Go ahead." The professor said while ushering for her to sit down, the concern was still visible on her face.

"I was wondering if I can talk to you alone."

Professor McGonagall looked at professor Alvaro and gave him a firm nod, "We will continue this later, professor."

Professor Alvaro narrowed his eyes slightly at Hermione but left nonetheless.

Professor McGonagall took hold of Hermione's arm and tugged her towards a chair.

"What happened?" The professor asked calmly, but the concern didn't leave her tone.

Hermione took a deep breath and told her everything, from the treatment of professor Alvaro to the Slytherins to what happened in the classroom just moments ago.

Professor McGonagall's features didn't change, but her eyes were telling everything that she needn't express her emotions.

Panic, worry, shock and fear.

After Hermione finished explaining everything and why she thinks professor Alvaro is suspicious, professor McGonagall opened her mouth to speak.

"I would have to say that I am not surprised of professor Alvaro's treatment towards the Slytherins, for Mr. Potter came and told me about it a few days ago."

Hermione's eyebrows shot up.

"But this is a very serious accusation, Hermione. I would have to do a bit of looking myself before talking to professor Alvaro." Hermione nodded firmly, she knew she was not going to fire the professor on the spot without proof.

"In the meantime, I would suggest that you get that taken care of," professor McGonagall nodded towards Hermione's wounded arm, "I will talk to professor Alvaro about his treatment towards the Slytherins, but the accusation will have to be kept away for a while."

Hermione nodded again, it was the most appropriate response.

She stood up and gave the professor a smile and a nod then she headed towards the door.


Hermione turned around to face the professor, "Professor?"

The professor took a deep breath, "How are you holding up? I know that your parent's condition must—"

"I am doing well." Hermione gave the professor a tight smile, but she still felt the weak wall she build up in her mind breaking and with it came memories she didn't want to relive again.

Hermione left the office without giving the professor the chance to say anything else. She felt her lungs narrowing and the oxygen became too thick to inhale.

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