Chapter 1 - Edited

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Harry pressed his lips together he couldn't stand the mud-blood and blood-traitor he knew they didn't really care he know they only want fame.

He sighed running his hands through his hair wishing he didn't have to wear his glamour but he knew he had to he couldn't let the light side know what he really looks like.

Harry was coming into his fourth year at hogwarts.

The urge to put his head right through the rattling window of the train sky rocketed when Ron and Hermione returned to bickering as they had been doing a lot of as of late.

he stood up and walked off telling the other two that he needed some air getting  two identical nods in return.

Walking out of the compartment Harry sighed silently beginning to walk down the corridor and out of the dirt that lead to a small platform not many people used and was grateful when he seen the small space was free.

Sucking in a deep breath and pushing back to urge to kill the pair back in the compartment he came from he shook his head and sighed before walking back to the compartment and sitting down looking out the window for the rest of the train ride.


The great hall was buzzing with excitement as dumbledore made his speech about the Triwizard Tornument

"this year Hogwarts has the great fortune of hosting the first Triwizard Tornument in centuries!" 

The great hall erupted into loud noise, with a small amount of students complaining about having herd of it before.

"HUSH, in a few weeks our nearby school Beauxbatons and Dumstrang will arrive and the competition will begin"

As the feast went on Harry had a good feeling that he'd end up in the Tournament and it wasn't sitting well with him, he knew he had to find a way to make sure his name wouldn't come out.


Once the two different schools had come into the great hall Ron was eyeing vicktor Krum as if he was god and Harry internally vomited everywhere disgusting by the weasels actions.

Ron and Hermione where fighting again and Harry was getting sick of it, they where Constantly bickering.

" SHUT UP RON" Hermione screeched, Harry was so close to snapping at the both of them.

They kept fighting till Harry had had enough he grabbed his bad from under the table and spoke as he got up.

" both of use shut the  hell up! Your acting as if your a married couple whom had been married for years your both doing my head the fuck in" he snarled at them storming off into the distance.

While he walked away the great hall was silent stunned by his outburst as they watched him walk through the doors, his feet took him to the defence against the dark arts class room.

He smiled sadly wishing he could see Remus, without thinking he pushed open the door not really paying attention as he slammed it closed muttering under his breath.

" oh what I'd give to kill the mud-blood and blood-traitor!"  Roared Harry, Anger getting the better of him in the moment.

Harry turned around only to see someone whom wasn't Remus or Mad eye moody.

It then clicked to Harry he was a death eater whom was helping Voldemort, he again internally smirked.

" aren't you Harry Potter ?"

" yes and aren't you a death eater"

The Unknown man looked startled by that. " there's no such thing boy, the dark lord is dead"

" well your dark mark looks mighty dark for a dead lord" Harry had seen Snape's mark a few months back, his was grey but from the small amount of the dark mark he could see, it had been significantly darker then his potion professors mark.

" what are you talking about potter"

" why aren't you trying to kill me" he asked as he let his Glamour slip away showing his real appearance. His hair was a Raven Black colour that went down to his waist that had thinned out and became more feminine, His eyes they stayed the same Jade green they always Had been with a barely noticeable hint of swirling silver throughout them.

Barry had been shocked to see the glamour leave, while when he was in Moody's skin he could see snippets of his appearance Changing but nothing he could confirm as it was always gone before he'd gotten a good look.

They spoke for a while and Barty whom Harry later learned his name was told him to come back the following night so they could talk more.

Harry new Barty was trying to convince him to join Voldemort, but in reality he didn't need convincing.

He didn't want to join him, Harry wanted to rule with him.


As the days go by Harry was never able to actually get to see Barty, he was currently walking into his defence class room and smiled nodding his head at Barty.

That day they were learning the 3 unforgivable.

"imperious curse" Ron said and Barty used a spider to show them how it worked.

"The cruciatus curse" Neville longbottem had stuttered out and Harry had a small smirk on his face only Barty could see.

Barty demonstrated the curse on the same spider he use the imperious curse on.

While doing that Neville screamed for him to stop so he eventually did, once seeing Neville paling dramatically as he swayed in the spot where he stood when begging the professor to stop.

Hermione had lastly said " the killing curse" in her normal 'Know it all' voice that bugged Harry to no end.

Barty then proceeded to kill spider before giving the three lions whom spoke 5 points each of getting the answers right.


As the class finished Barty asked Harry to stay behind and he did so after Reassuring his 'Best friends' that everything was going to be fine when they looked at him 'Worriedly'.

" you didn't come to my tea party" was the first thing Barty had said.

" sorry Barty I couldn't get away from the others"

" have you giving it anymore thought?"

" about having fun with the dark side? It's obviously a yes"

Barty snorted with a fond smile on his face, they spoke for a couple more minutes before Harry left for dinner as DADA had been his last class for the day.

While at dinner Harry sat at his house table head in his heads, he had another headache which started pretty soon after  Ron and Hermione started fighting again.

Harry wasn't sure how he had put up with it, his Patients was decreasing dramatically each day that went by.


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