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Bold - thoughts
Italic - talking
Bold and italic- narration/ sounds effects

—- hinata—-

In the crisp early hours the sun is rising on top of the forestry mountains. Outside of the window ledge, two doves can be heard chirping and singing a love song. Lost in each-others presence, and have yet to be scared from the sleeping individual on the other side of the thin glass.

Soft rays of orange and red start to seep through emitting its colorful lights down onto the bundled up figure. Feeling the warmth on his eyelids, he awakes from his sleep. Giving a foxlike yawn he gives his body a lazy stretch to start off the morning. Eyes glued shut, in an attempt at prolonging the stinging sensational against his brown iris's. Calmly turning his head to the side, he opens one eye to look at his clock . A small pout is now placed where a yawn once was.

I still have 5 more minutes until my alarm goes off.

Huffing a whimper, Hinata makes his way into the bathroom. Showered and dressed he trudges down his wooden creaky staircase. One foot after another he slams his body none-to gently onto the breakfast chair. Half awake and half asleep , clink ....slide ... the black roasted coffee fills his senses. Eye widening his gaze meets his dads blue ones.

Looking back and forth between the warm coffee and his father, he send him a tender smile. Nodding his carrot top head to quietly thank him.
He knows me too well that sometimes I think he's a mind reader.
All I have to say is Best. Dad . Ever

Lifting his volleyball mug he hides his chuckle before take a much needed gulp.
Gulp... gulp.... hmmm
Holding the mug like a hand warmer, he closes his eyes . Savoring the bitter taste and the warmth the cup of coffee is emitting onto his small hands. Eyes still closed not realizing, how much time has passed by.
Shoyo... son wake up, you have to eat before you're late to school.

Feeling his shoulders sway back and forth. His brown eyes snap open. Tired eyes are staring at the orangette.
Shit.. shit .. shit ... sorry dad, my mind went blank for aa second and  don't worry about breakfast I'll grab something along the way!!

Rushing to the foyer he grabs his bag and shoved his tennis shoes on each foot. Grabbing the bronze door knob he opens his door.  In a joking manner he hears his dad yelling from across the living rom.

Language or else it's your turn to cook dinner tonight!!  ( Recently him and his dad started a game, whoever cursing first throughout the day has to cook dinner and by the looks of it he's making food after practice.)
Snickering at his dads antics he screams back, putting every ounce of sass he can gather. BET !!  The loser for tomorrow has to cook dinner for a week straight. Love You dad!! See you soon! Just as he was about to close the door he hears.

Love you too and be careful on your way home tonight!!

Running to the side of his one story house he skids to a stop to grab the bicycles handles. Keeping one hand on one handle he digs through his uniform pockets. AHA.. found you
White headphones are found and are now safely snug onto each of his ears. Grabbing his phone he selects a playlist and selects shuffle.

Melody now drifting its way into his jumbled thoughts his voice raises unknowingly to repeat the lyrics. Being known to not hold back his lovely voice when he's alone. He offers the world his singing as payment for keeping the morning peaceful.

"Once I was seven years old, my mama told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was seven years old

As his destination came closer, his singing got louder. A talented voice, is kept away from prying eyes at school , but before and after is a different story.

I always had that dream like my daddy before me
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me

Song reaching an end just as his ride to schools comes closer. Halting his bike, he gets off and walks through the old metal gates. Singing the last bit of song, to finish his morning praise.

Once I was seven years old, my mama told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was sevennn yearrss old.

Completely unaware of the a tall blond, who is leaning against the inner wall, accidentally hearing the melodic voice before him

Once I was seven years old .

What in the seven wonders of hell.....
Eyes widening he raises hand to cover his now flush face.
Standing still he is shocked from the scene he just witnessed.
Still leaning against the brick wall. His inner monologue going haywire, which led him to debate with himself.
{this is what I think tsukki thinks like when he's overthinking }

-No way that couldn't be...
~tsukkishima you saw it for your self for all you know he has more talents other than volleyball.
-Yeah right ... it's just hard to believe, a voice like that.....
~Tsukkishima listen to yourself I think you just found a topic you can relate to.
-Yeah and what's that you stupid useless brain.
~Music, talk about music.

Rigorously shaking his head back and forth to rid fighting with himself once again. A spark of hope now present inside his chest.Endless days trying to find out similarities to talk about, have long since went out the window. Snarky comments hiding away true intentions. Pushing himself off the dusty wall to stroll past countless students gathering at the front entrance. He walks slowly to ease the flushed red face, hoping and praying it cools down before practice starts.==========================
Author here, just wishing everyone a good morning at 2:18am.  I don't even think anyone is awake at the moment but anywho, have a good day and give me some feedback- much love and thank yours truly

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