Running in circles

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Bold - thoughts
Italic - talking
Bold and italic- narration/ sounds effects

Glancing at the familiar voice, He doesn't have time for. He focuses on the teachers presence. Everyday subjects being taught the old fashioned way. A lot of talking and not enough demonstrations.
Hours went by until the lunch time bell went off .

Huff.... Sign finally some peace and quite. Reviling in his comfort from taking out his headphones, he was oblivious to the blondes gaze. Putting in his headphones he starts to sink into his desk .
Head leaning against the wall . Making himself comfortable for his heavenly hour . Softly whispering he says a few words before a song starts.

Mmm .. heavenly indeed .

Warmth spreads onto his face from the noon sun. Once again letting the sleepless hinata fall and sink deeper into his thoughts and get into his dreams yet again.

Click..... a radio turned on . In the living room a blonde slowly dances to himself.

"Oh can it be
That you're here with me?
Let's start writing our own history
Let's take this road
This winding, winding road
Let's just take the long way home
You've got me running in circles
I don't ever want to slow down"

Letting the melody whisk himself away to his beauty inside the kitchen. Sweet smells of pastries and cookies galore are on the tabletop.

"Let's just keep spinnin', spinnin', spinnin'
Just keep going 'round, going round'
You've got me running in circles
Can't keep both feet on the ground
Let's just keep spinnin', spinnin', spinnin'
Just keep going 'round, going 'round, 'round"

Seeing himself mixing flour and other ingredients together. The hinata in the dream softly sways his hips to the soft music.

The blond taking up hinata in his arms slowly swaying back and forth against eachother. Twisting the petite man in his arms to face him . The blonde smiles down at the other who scowls. He who couldn't help but be taken in his partners arms to dance.

"Nothing but sunshine
Sunshine and happiness
All that's around us now
And I haven't felt
Oh, I haven't felt
Haven't felt like this for a long, long time"

Giggling at the others antics they continue to dance in each others arms, the flour mixture long forgotten. Soft gazes turned to the other, finding comfort and love in their small life, not one wishing for more, or less.
No regrets filled the eyes of the young couple .

"You've got me running in circles
I don't ever want to slow down
Let's just keep spinnin', spinnin', spinnin'
Just keep going 'round, going 'round
You've got me running in circles
I can't keep both feet on the ground
Let's just keep spinnin', spinnin', spinnin'
Just keep going 'round, going 'round
Just keep going 'round, going 'round
Got me spinnin' circles
Oh just going 'round, going 'round
You've got me, you've got me, you've got me spinning in circles"

Click... the radio had been turned off , by a set of chunky small hands.
Giggles surfaced along with ouuuuuu , they're in loveeeee comments from the children watching them.

Shaking heads and squinty eyes stared at the children making fun of them.
Slowly dipping fingers into the four mixture the young couple looked at eachother. No mercy.

Giggles and laughter are heard , running to get away from dirty hands of the parents in question. Flour not only on the family but everywhere in the kitchen .

As the dream fades... hinata stares at the blonde , trying to memorize the faces of his blurry dream partners.

Hinata ... feeling a shake . His body now abruptly awake from the earthquake before him . Hands which had grabbed his shoulders to wake him.
Hinata ...we're going to be late for practice...
Ughhh rubbing his head I thought It was lunchtime...
Eyes which began to focus on his pursuer , blond hair just like his dream. ...

No ... don't go down that road .. just because he has the same color of hair.... Shaking his head again he grabs his bags, not letting his thoughts turn into desperation for just anyone, because of his loneliness..

Softly humming the tune from his dream he walks side by side with Tsukki .
Glancing at his teammate who looks worried. Maybe he's constipated?
"Um so .. shrimp what kind of music do you listen to..?"
The end of the sentence turns almost to a whisper.

Gaze lowering slowly to hinata. Don't freak out ... he doesn't know about the dreams . So Why? For the love of all that's holy, why is he suddenly wanting to talk?! And about music?

We'll shit, what happened to not freaking out , you damn idiot. .


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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