Love me at my worst

34 1 0

Bold - thoughts
Italic - talking
Bold and italic- narration/ sounds effects
Previously: what the hell was that?
His hand that was previously on his chest is now reaching up to his eyes. Unshed tears on the brink of falling out the corner of his eyes. Wiping each eyes before anyone could see.

Emptiness, loneliness and heartbroken, hinata once again clinches his chest to seek comfort.
Feeling a wave of emptiness he currently hadnt felt in his dream, is now dead center in his chest. Loneliness once again hitting him as he glances at the couple centimeters away. What would it be like to have someone who loves me as if I'm the only one in they're eyes? Would I be content, or would I still seek out praise where ever I go in life.
Scratch that.. lunch why are they eating lunch.... Wait lunch?.....When did the lunch bell ring??!!!

Glancing at the classroom clock he lets out a sigh knowing lunch is almost done, he sits back down.

Looking down at his desk he lays his head down. Finding it difficult to grasp the idea of his realistic dream. Never once has he dreamt of dreams so lifelike, looking back at it he's always had Fictional dreams. Aliens ? Check.  Monsters? Check. Volleyball games with apes? Double too timing check!.  Never dreams about having a love life. Never-mind a love life at that.

Gently laying his head on his folded hands, he stays knit picking every scene that's has currently happened seconds before. Without knowing he starts snapping his fingers to the beat, softly mimicking the tune. His head trying to make our trying the lyrics piece by piece. Jotting down the important one for further "investigation."

As the school bell rings to signal the end of the day, everyone is packing there bags except a certain middle blocker caught in a dreamlike state.

Eyes closed and face contorted in disbelief on the creaky desk. He continuously ponders, the family that was in the car with him and why they had seemed to be so familiar.
Leaning his back against the creaky chair. He digs his hand into his pocket to retrieve his phone.

"I need somebody who can love me at my worst."

Thinking back to that one line makes him flush from head to toe. Crimson red and nothing else on his cheeks.
Typing in the lyrics he finds the song he was desperately trying to remember.
Finally I found you. How long.. how long has it been since I've been so obsessed with something so trivial? It's just a song.... right?

Slipping his earbuds in he puts the song on repeat , memorizing the melody like it's the last beat he'll hear. Wait where is everyone?
He looks left than right, scratching his cheek he glancing at his phone to check the time.
Shit!! You have got to be kidding me. I'm 30 mins late, Coach is going to be pissed.
Rushing to the club room to change and get ready, he leaves everything behind.

His earbuds in his ears are the only thing he takes with him into the gym. The song already digging its roots to into his heart.
Addiction is a crude trait. Chuckling he hides the small headphones underneath his orange locks. Keeping them secret from his team captain.

Humming along with the tune made him feel at ease. Safe, and no longer lonely anymore. This song, and melody makes him feel like he's finally home. The aching in his chest gone for as long as he listens to the song.

My dad of course is a loving parent and I love him to oblivion. Ever since it's been the two of us, but to find someone to love romantically and be loved was something that can't be filled with family alone.

Hearing those squeaky shoes on hardwood floor, was something he was accustomed too. Breaking out of his humming session he knocks and opens the gym doors.

Sorry for being late!! He bends at 90 degrees to show respect.
Why are you 35 mins late, just because we won against a couple of team, doesn't mean this shouldn't be at your top priority list.
The coach looks at him with a raised eyebrows
I know coach, I'm sorry coach , my teacher held me back to talk about a project she assigned for the class.
Quickly making up an excuse to deceive his second family. He fakes being a nervous wreck to get out of a horrible punishment.
Hinata 5 laps, 10 diving rolls for being late, no exceptions for your lame excuse!!
Well goddamn Janice, I can't control the time!! It's not my fault the day ended so quickly.... heaving a groan he drags his body into a quiet corner. Raising his musics volume to fade the outside noise, he starts to get lost in the sweet rhythm. Soft humming could be heard along with the faint shoes on wooden floors.
Him, the song and nothing else.
Hmm mhmmh mhhm
Can I call you baby ?
Can you be your friend ?
His humming turning into a voice, no one besides his father has heard of . Velvety and feminine, a voice that can moves hearts, starts to grow in loudness. Stretching after the punishment his tiredness makes its way into his mind and body.
His mind giving out first, as his eyes slowly gloss over, imagining the scenic dream his mind thought of.

Inside the now once loud gym is now quiet . Shoes had stopped running and voices are no longer heard .
Just an angelic voice filling the silent gymnasium. Everyone's eyes locked onto hinata and another person.
Hinata not realizing who he was staring at and who he was singing to, his words fall from his pouty lips, without a care in the world.

"Can you be my lover up until the very end?
Let me show you love, oh noo pretend .
Stick by my side even when the world is caving in.
Mhmm mhm hmm mmmmm
I need someone to love me at my worst."

Glossy eyes turning back into the clear hazelnut color hinata blinks a couple of times to come back to his reality. Seeing himself in a kneeling position in front of another middle blocker , his eye start to widen . Realizing the the scene he just presented in front of everyone, he continues staring at the person in front of his.
Cheeks red to match his bright orange hair, he starts feeling warmth spread to his ears. Utterly embarrassed, and a nervous wreck, hinata didn't know what to say or do. And if there's one things hinata hates is being the center of everyone's attention.

- Did he just... confess? In front of everyone daichi?
~ Tanaka duddeeeeeee hinata and tsuukishima?!!! No way , did not see that one coming.
>but BESIDES that... hinata can sing.. Amazing infact.
• hinata my main mans got skills!!

Getting up in embarrassment he rushes out of the gym. Not caring about anyone else but the comfort of his home that awaits him. 

Wait shrimp!!!! Come back!!! 

Not caring about who it was, all that matters was the embarrassment that followed him like a plague. He just made a fool out of him himself, singing to someone like him. Why can't I pay attention?!!
Strangers, he was nothing but a stranger to him, so why was he  subconsciously singing to him?!! AND Why was tsukishima looking at me in another way, other than his usual disgust?

Running all the way home to ward away his blushing face and hurt feelings.
Huff.... huff.... huff.
He comes to a halt in front of the place he loves the most. Forgetting the trip home, he takes a small detour.
His favorite park, we're he can speak his depressed thoughts out loud for the world to hear.
Sitting at his spot under the bloomed Sakura tree, he speaks his thoughts to his beloved friend. The moon has always been there when he was little, comforting him and watching over him at night.

Why am I so stupid? Nothing seems to go right in my life so why must I make it harder upon myself? I swear if it wasn't for the things I do, I wouldn't have such a hard life. Let alone such a lonely life at that. Unshed tears being shed from the false day dreams he remembers so vividly.Every time I try to make a situation better it seems like the problem gets ten times worse.. Thinking back to the scene hours ago. How come when I looked into Tsukishimas eyes, it felt as if the world suddenly stopped? Must be my eyes playing tricks on me again right my dear friend?

Countless questions are said out loud to the silent midnight moon. Desperate for answers but knowing he won't get any in return. Just as he's always had he counts each star , a tradition he's grown accustomed too before saying a last goodbye to his midnight friend.

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