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Some might take this too overwhelming

Take note


Author's POV

"Have you seen Sting anywhere?" Yukino approached Kira who recently entered the guildhall, "The last time I saw him was last night," The silver-haired answered, remembering their small talk. "Why?"

"We can't find him anywhere," The celestial wizard expressed her concern, "The new council is looking for him, and we can't even find a replacement for him since Rogue and Minerva is also missing," She explained to the former Fairy.


"Minerva?" Kira confirmed, "Yeah," Yukino nodded as she watched the confused expression displayed on Kira's face.

"What about Lector?" She questioned the white-haired, "We can't find him and Frosch," Yukino answered.

With the presence of dangerous people lurking around, Kira can't help but assume the worse knowing how anything is possible in this situation.

"I'll sub in for Sting, don't worry," She calmed the female as she placed her hand on Yukino's shoulder, trying to make her feel better.

The celestial wizard nodded as Kira went to Sting's office after Yukino explained the situation. The council is determined to get back on its feet and maintain peace among the wizards as they visited numerous guilds to ask for their approval for cooperation and take various suggestions for improvement.

"Mest?" The silver-haired opened the door to see the former fairy and one of the Ten Wizard Saints, Warrod. "Kira," He stood up from his seat beside the Saint upon hearing her voice.

The female closed the door behind her and strode behind the desk in front of them, "Sorry, we couldn't find anyone that could fill in Sting's spot. So," She sighed, explaining why she's there in front of them instead of the master of the guild.

"It's okay, it'll be easier this way." Mest shook his head before taking a seat again and took a glance at the Wizard Saint beside him who's intently staring at the female.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" The tree-like male questioned the now Tiger, his forehead creased in curiosity. The female stared at him, her eyes widened slightly in realization.

"No," She shook her head, a tint of sadness seen in her eyes, "I'm Kira," She introduced herself, not bothering in reaching her hand out in fear of doing something she have no control over in her current state.

The fourth Saint tried to remember where he has seen the silver-haired as he continued with his stares. "Is there anything you need with Sabertooth?" She questioned the pair, crossing her arms.

"Not with Sabertooth, but you," Mest answered, noticing how Warrod stayed silent. Upon hearing his words, Kira arched a brow in confusion. She thought that this was a matter between guilds.

"We know that Sabertooth will cooperate no matter what, Sting has been helping us ever since the downfall of Tartarus." He explained to Kira as he tried to ease her puzzlement about the matter.

"What does this have to do with me?" She inquired, her eyes glancing between the pair. "Makarov have always acknowledged your skill as a wizard," Warrod voiced out, his voice laced in a serious tone as he finally joined the conversation.

"We're offering you a seat at the council,"

Kira was taken aback by this, never has she thought to be a part of such a responsible organization here in Fiore.

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