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Kira's POV

"Why didn't you tell us?" Minerva asked beside me after we sat in silence for a while.

Ever since I told them the reason why Minka was keen on having me in her grasp, they remained silent and only nodded before bidding goodbye.

Though, I didn't miss the upset glances Sting gave me earlier. Although I can lie quite well, I don't think it's believable if I told the Chaos that I wasn't hurt by his gaze.

"I'm not really fond of sharing such memories," I blatantly replied, not daring to meet her eyes as I focused mine on the wall in front of me. "Right," I heard her mumble.

"Are you alright?" She asked, catching me off guard as I didn't really expect such a question right after what I told them. I slowly turned my head to the side to face her and see her face painted with worry.

"I'm fine," I forced out a small smile to ease her worry, and it seems like it worked as she smiled back but with more feelings.

"The question is, are you alright?" I emphasized the 'you,' remembering her beaten stated earlier. "It's nothing," She lied, quite obviously might I add as her smile faltered a bit after hearing my words.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," She added, causing me to raise a brow. "I don't think you're accustomed in that situation, particularly where you're in the position to receive such pain," I commented.

Although I know her past with her father, it wasn't really that worse as earlier but it can bring some memories that might affect her.

"But, I will leave you alone if you'd like," I added, facing her expectedly at her answer. I watched her avoid my gaze as she thought for a moment.

I almost missed it, but she nodded a yes. Letting out a small smile, I stood up from my seat and left the apartment after bidding her goodbye.

I may not know Minerva for a while, but I feel like she's more comfortable alone. Despite trying her best in including others in her daily life, she's still adjusting to someone having her back.

Exiting the building, I strolled through the streets of the city as I tilted my head up. Admiring the twinkling stars above as they provided their light to those who need it.

I continued walking where my legs take me as I hope my mind won't wander anywhere that relates to the events earlier. "How annoying," I clicked my tongue, annoyed by the thought of Irene.

The Emperor doesn't know that it was Irene who made my escape easier, it's why he trusted her to bring me back. Though, I wonder if he really didn't know.

It's impossible for him not to suspect the Sprigan. The moment they were unable to locate me, Irene is the one to blame, considering she and the Emperor were the only ones who can cancel the monitoring spell on me.

"Is Irene really that valuable for the Emperor that he chose to tolerate her actions and ignore it?"

"Yeah, maybe,"

I continued walking even when I reached the lake as the familiar crystal made a path to where I was walking.

I don't particularly understand why I kept coming here, but my feet always bring me back. Maybe because of its beauty and serenity, or because I've just grown to become attached to this lake.

Plopping myself on the edge of the platform, my feet gently meeting the cold water of the lake as I placed my hands behind me and shifted my weight at my hands while I stared at the moon above.

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