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Kira's POV

I stood tall at the scenery before me, a glistening lake with such clear water where you can see the creatures dwelling in it.

I took a step forward as the water crystallized, creating a platform for me to walk into. I took several steps until I am in the middle of the lake with the crystal path behind me gone as I marveled at the beauty of nature.

After a month of staying here, I was able to know numerous things, especially secrets. As I roamed the town every daylight, I can't help but hear fascinating gossip or information regarding different guilds and it's members. While at night, I'll visit this lake to train since it makes me more focused and relaxed, and the lake also strengthens my magic as I concentrate on it.

Moreover, it's been a long time since I saw the four tigers and I was even hoping to meet them again but I guess they're too busy. I'll be honest, I was amazed at their guildhall as it seems very massive; it also looks like a pyramid with all the different structures connected on top of each other. I guess it'll be appropriate as they are the strongest guild, for now.

Although, from what I can hear, most of them are too arrogant; much like Sting. I guess they took pride in their guild that quickly made them too proud and overly confident in themselves. It also doesn't help that most of the citizens fear them which feeds their ego too much.

I sighed and felt the water beneath me shift as the small crystal ring glowed a light blue around the middle finger of my right hand which dons on numerous of the same rings but with a different color.

I rose my right hand and waved it around in front of me as the water rises and followed the movement of my hand, and took the form of a tall spiral that circled me. I clenched the raised hand which caused the water to crystallize in a clear tint of blue.

I felt the smooth texture of the crystal around my fingers as I sensed the magic inside of it, my eyes shift at the back of the crystal as I heard a noise, and saw a figure behind the trees. I acted oblivious of his presence since I already sensed his familiar magic and turned my back to him as continued tracing my hand around the structure before me.

In the corner of my eyes, I was able to see him get out of his hiding spot with Lector behind him. "I didn't acknowledge as a stalker Sting," I said and faced him as my bright red eyes clashed with his dark blue eyes.

"You knew I was here?" He asked and took a step closer to the lake, "You both aren't really the quietest person out there." I let out a small smile while the crystal turned back to its original state and fell back to the lake as I walked towards them with the path being created with every step I take.

"You have the most beautiful magic I've ever seen," Lector commented still in awe of the structure I've created.

"Thank you, Lector," I said while I stepped into the ground, the platform fading as glittering particles few around. "But what are you guys even doing here?" I questioned the two still gawking at me.

"We - uh - jus - um," Sting stuttered as his mouth was hanging open, I chuckled seeing that it's odd to see one of the strongest members of Sabertooth speechless.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I turned my back to them as I faced the lake once again. "Yeah, it is," I heard Sting reply beside me.

"I found this place on my second night, " I smiled, "It makes me calm, also good for my magic." I continued and looked at him who was already staring at me.

"You have very strong magic, " He said that making my smile widen. "I feel flattered, " I giggled.

"My magic has always been pretty, but it was never considered strong." I started, which was actually true. "Some always looked at it as a decorative rather than offensive magic, " I continued.

"But it's very useful in a fight, " Lector said, walking towards me. " Why don't we spar?" Sting blurted.

I was startled at first but laughed lightly, " I don't think I'd want to fight you, you're strong Sting." I answered as I sat on the ground in front of Lector, making him sit on my lap.

"We'll just test your magic in a fight, " He tried to convince me, " No thank you, " I scratched the area behind Lector's ear, resulting in him purring; making me smile.

"I don't care if I'm strong enough, I'm content just the way I am," I uttered while patting Lector. I felt Sting sit beside me as I felt his stare, I glance at him and smiled.

"They seem to like you, " He whispered making me face the exceed on my lap, sleeping soundly. "Lector and Frosch don't really open up quickly very much." He muttered, shifting his stare to Lector.

My eyes soften, seeing how his eyes were filled with care for his companion. "On the Grand Magic Games, what drives you to win?" I questioned the Dragon Slayer while I caressed the fur of the little creature.

"To be respected of course, " he replied, I scoffed. "Sting, being feared, and respected are two different things." I retorted as I watch him.

"I see how the people around your guild hall react, including when you and Rogue are around," I told him my observation and stared at Lector once again.

"It's better to be respected than to be feared," I said as I remembered horrible and awful memories that prefer to be tucked away.

"Why do you desire to be strong?" I lowered my head down and closed my eyes, hoping for the memories to fade away. "What's with all the questions, Kira?" He scoffed.

"Just tell me why," I lifted my head to face his while opening my eyes again.

"For Lector, " He mumbled so quietly that I barely heard him as he leaned his body back with his arms supporting him from behind. "Why do you feel so ashamed of your reasons? There's no shame in wanting to protect your loved ones, Sting." I smiled, satisfied with his answer while quietness lingered around.

"You're a good person"

"Why do you always wear a cloak?" Sting broke the silence as I softly chuckled with his sudden question. "It makes me feel protected, plus there are things that are better hidden," I replied once my laughter died down.

"We should head back, it's getting dark soon." He stood up, I went and picked up Lector to give him back to Sting but he only shook his head. "He might wake up, "

I nodded and carefully stood up as well, making sure that the exceed in my arms wouldn't wake up as we walked our way back to the town.


"Do you want me to come along with you?" I asked regarding the sleeping animal since we reached the path to my inn, "No need, " he replied as he took Lector from my arms. I sighed seeing as he wasn't bothered in his sleep.

"We'll visit you as much as we can, " He assured me, "Is it because you'll miss me?" I giggled as I saw a little blush on his cheeks

"You don't need to, you guys are busy. I don't want to bother you." I smiled and was a little surprised by his concern about me.

"You're alone in this town, I think you'll need a little company." He grinned, stepping backward toward his apartment I presume.

"You're a kind person, don't let your pride control you, Sting," I exclaimed and saw his eyes widened by a fraction while his grin faded into a small smile.

I watched him turn his back to me and walk farther away from me until I couldn't see his figure. I went inside the inn and reached my room, immediately walking towards the bathroom sink.

As I stared at my face in the mirror, I let the control loosen on my emotion as I saw my eyes turn red as it glows in such a bright red and closed my eyes. Reliving the memories that haunted me, the cause of the wavering control of my magic.

Gaining composure of my emotions, I felt the glow of my eyes dim while returning to the color green, and the bubbling power within me calmed.

While prepping myself to bed, I couldn't help but think how Sting acted tonight. It's very different before we met, very prideful and arrogant.

"Don't hide behind a mask, especially in such an irritating one."


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