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Kira's POV

I stared at the Dragon Slayer in front of me, light emitting from his form as he stood weary and guarded at my presence; almost as if he's ready to attack me.

It was silent between us, only staring at each other as we stood with a great distance between us.

"No need to be so wary, I'm not going to do anything," I commented, noting his guarded stance and the fact that his magic is activated. "How would I know that you're telling the truth," He retorted, making sure if I could be trusted.

"You wouldn't,"

Sting remained silent at my words as he stared at me with furrowed brows and making sure that he stood far away from me.

Sighing, I tried to ease the tension around us, "It's never my intention to stand against you in this battle," Saying the truth regarding my interest in hurting the other wizards.

"Then don't,"

"Well, I don't have a choice, do I," I smiled sadly, remembering the complicated predicament I am in. It is already quite difficult to face my former allies as an enemy to them, but standing alone with Sting is a different matter.

I already did my best in trying to hide my discomfort of facing the Tigers at our battle yesterday, and in truth, it was quite easy considering that I am not only focusing on the blond. Though, with me being alone with him, I don't think I won't be able to hide my expressions.

"You left, and I was only given a letter. I even found out that you were leaving because of Fear," He brought up my departure from the guild while I was startled at the mention of Fear.

"I didn't know Fear talked to him,"

"Now, you're here to kill us,"

I paled at his words, not really fond of how he felt about my appearance at this war. "No, I'm not," I denied, comforting myself that I am only here to hurt not to kill.

"Then what did you do to us yesterday, or even earlier?" I watched him frown as I assume he's reliving the event before.

I lowered my gaze, ashamed of what I have committed. Remembering the attacks I have thrown to them as they were driven to the corner by my power.

"I had to do what I was told," I tried to reason with him, noticing how deep his frown has become.

"To kill us?" He repeated, causing me to stammer at my words as I felt like he's drilling the word on me. "Yes, they're still questioning my loyalty to them," I said truthfully not finding any reason to lie to him.

"Me too," He sighed while I watched his face with a wondering expression, my gaze never leaving him. "I-" I tried to reply to his words but couldn't, to think that he's also questioning my loyalty hurts me.

Though I can't blame him, I am deep within the enemy's circle. I also battled against them and lessened their numbers as I inflicted injuries on their members.

"This is hard for me, I hope you know that. I don't want to hurt you all, I just-,"

"Why are you even in Alvarez?" He questioned, cutting my sentence off. Sighing, I decided to answer all his questions considering that I have nothing to hide. "Because they found me and I couldn't run away anymore,"

Suddenly, I saw his face soften at my words as if he remembered something. "Alvarez was the one you're speaking of back then?" Startled at the mention of this as I didn't expect him to remember my story back then, I hesitantly nodded.

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