Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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"You do realize it's fall right?"

Niall looked in the mirror, doing multiple turns to examine his outfit, the tank he was wearing falling just at the top of his thigh. "And?"

Harry felt like he was speaking with a child, "You'll be cold!"

Niall rolled his eyes, ignoring the comment and going back to gelling up his hair. "Just get dressed."

Harry let out an annoyed sigh, glancing over at the pile of clothes Niall had set up for him. "That V neck literally reads 'I am a douchebag.'"

"It's just a low one, it's hot. Wear it."

Harry refused to go out exposing his chest, especially since he doesn't have the best muscle tone, in fact it's close to none at all. Working out has never been in his calendar as he had no need to. Somehow Niall thinks he's fit, but he's crazy so that says nothing.

"What is that." Niall crossed his arms, watching as Harry tugged on one of his own t shirts, horizontal stripes adorning the fabric.

"I want to be comfortable." Was all he said, kicking off his sweatpants and squeezing his black skinny jeans up his thighs. Well, other than the circulation cutting denim, he'd be comfortable.

"You look like you're five but if that's what you want, so be it." Niall threw his hands up dramatically.

He was much too anxious to get to Louis' cousins house. Not even because he was excited, but because of the worry of Louis being nothing less than an asshole to him. It's become a habit of his and Niall couldn't condone it any longer. If Louis were to continue disregarding his feelings and treating him like trash, Niall will remove himself from the situation all together.

At least he says he will, everyone knows he's much too weak and attached to do so. Everyone but Harry. So in a way Niall's hurting himself by knowingly letting Louis compare him to a useless rag doll.


Niall and Harry met up with Zayn in front of the house where groups of energetic hyped up people were entering. All sorts of genres of people were there, it really didn't matter to Louis' cousin, he just liked to party.

Harry brushed his hands on his jeans, trying to rid the clamminess that arose within the last minute. He felt like he was back in his freshman year of highschool with the unsettling feeling arising in his stomach. He can remember vividly; the image of his worn out sneakers he'd had since elementary, fidgeting as him and Liam hesitantly stood on the sidewalk. The house they faced was massive, a couple kids standing against the wall, cigarettes in hand. It was so foreign to the two innocent boys that they considered leaving and going to see a movie instead.
However pretentious young girls with horrible excuses of shirts seemed to lure them in, their curiosity and their hormones getting the better of them.

"Boys." A deep scratchy voice broke Harry from his thoughts. Thoughts so vivid, he hadn't even paid attention when they were entering the crowded house.

"Hey man," Zayn stepped forward doing one of the usual bro hugs with the stranger.

Harry was quick to judge his appearance. Dark, seemingly greasy hair, was spiked up on his head, a worn out t shirt sticking to his toned body with sweat and god knows what else, and it was especially hard for him to tear his eyes away from the countless tattoos adorning his skin. He doubts they have any meaning.

"This is Harry, our new mate." Niall introduced after giving the guy a hug as well, patting Harry's back for support.

"Harry," his grin was one of mischief, "Cute name. I'm Nicholas, but if we're friends you call me Nick."

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