Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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"Classy." Harry laughed quietly to himself, pulling out his phone to snap a picture of Niall's restless slumber.

His body was in one of the most uncomfortable positions Harry's ever seen. His empty beer cans littered the floor and part of his bed, there was a line of drool trailing all down his chin, and his snoring was animalistic.

All in all it was priceless and if Harry didn't take a picture, it would've been a wasted opportunity. This would definitely be his bribe photo to let him wear his book bag again.

"Alright, get up now." He laughed again, approaching Niall and trying to shake him awake. He was definitely going to be late for class, Harry already dressed and ready to leave.

Niall mumbled incoherently, shoving an arm to weakly push his intruder away, "Fuck off."

Harry didn't know whether to be responsible and help him out, or just listen. "But you have class in less than fifteen minutes." He tried reasoning.

"Fuck class, it's Friday." Niall argued.

Harry sighed a little, standing up, "You haven't woken up on time once this week."

It was the truth. Harry and Niall may get along tremendously well but they're polar opposites when it comes to their academics and work ethic.

"I'll try harder next week." Niall muttered before hiding his head underneath the covers.

The statement was most likely a false one but if it meant Harry would stop prodding and let him rest, he would lie through his teeth.

"Alrighty, if you say so." Harry sang, grabbing his usual black backpack, since Niall hid his book bag his first day, and trailing out the door.

"Day number five of Winber college." He whispered to himself, walking through the hall of endless dorms.

It's gone much better than he expected.

He wasn't positive he'd make friends; he did. He thought he'd hate his English course; he didn't. He was worried about being invited to things; he sort of was? He's still not sure about that one. The party is tonight and Harry was antsy with nerves.

But Niall and Zayn wanted what was best for him so he tried to keep that in mind to ease the uncertainty.

"Hello there my good friend," Zayn popped up from nowhere, now walking alongside Harry, a coffee in hand.

Harry turned to face the new presence, "Morning."

The two walked in silence, Zayn sipping from his hot beverage every now and again. His eyes were dull with sleep and remorse of having to go to class on a Friday. Usually he wouldn't bother, he'd for sure just call up Niall and join him for the day but for some reason Harry's responsible persona seemed to rub off on him. He was never one to care about people judging him, that's what him and his friends were all about; not giving a shit about anyone's opinions. But Harry had soon become a good friend and Zayn couldn't help but aspire to be at least half as good as he was.

Class flew by quite quickly, Zayn and Harry hard at work on their writing assignments. The only time they came up to breathe was when they needed to sharpen a pencil or when their arms were aching and needed a break.

Zayn hadn't had this much of a productive class in a while and it made his own lips curve up into a fond smile as he was nearly done his paragraph.

The bell rung on his last word. "Fuck yes."

Harry looked over, eyebrows raised.

"I finished." Zayn concluded, scribbling the period on and waving it in the air for Mr. Blakely to come retrieve.

Harry smiled proudly, "Good job."

The two separated after that, Zayn making a beeline for the usual park bench fixated in the back of the school.

Matt was the first to show up, crouched over in concentration as he finished rolling a joint.

Zayn took a seat beside him, pulling two bags of chips from his worn out backpack and sliding one out. "Here asshole."

"I'm not giving you this if that's what you're looking for." Matt muttered, gesturing to the roll between his fingers.

Zayn rolled his eyes, tearing open the package and shoving a handful into his mouth. "I don't need your amateur joints."

Matt scoffed, lifting his hand into the light and examining his work, "This my friend," he turned to Zayn with a smirk, "is art."

"Yeah, Picasso art." Zayn responded, laughing to himself as he dumped out his pocket to retrieve his last cigarette.

"Matt. Zayn." Jason nodded at the two, dumping his belongings on the table.

He assessed what his two friends were up to, chuckling to himself.
"Mate, this is shit." He snatched the joint from Matt's dirty fingers.

Zayn couldn't help but laugh again, the smoke flowing into Matt's face as he did so. "I told him."

Matt grew annoyed, leaning forward to take it back, "You know, ya'll are just as bad as Louis sometimes."

"Learning from the master. Where is that no good douche anyway?" Zayn wondered, staring into nothingness as he took calm drags from his cigarette.
It was no secret Zayn has lost most of the respect he once had for Louis. After getting over the hype of 'Louis Tomlinson' that was always buzzing around school, he came to realize he's actually just a big headed loser. All talk and no game. But he will admit that without him he wouldn't be having as many opportunities as he does when it comes to parties and drugs and women.

"Don't know, Niall stopped him in the halls, asked if they could talk." Jason laughed lightly, clearly amused at Niall's noticeable attempts at mending the tension between him and the jerk.

Zayn rolled his eyes, shaking his head disappointedly and tossing his cigarette butt to the ground with a flick of his tatted wrist.

"Of fucking course."


A/N: Just part one! The party will happen in part two but I figured it'd be way too long if I didn't split it up.

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