Chapter 7

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"And the little bastard actually thought I would call him the next day.. Fuck, " Louis paused his story to cackle menacingly, clouds of grey drifting from his open mouth, "What a joke."

The room was filled with humoured chuckles, it not being the first time Louis had to deal with a clingy hit and quit. Matt and Jason had so kindly been invited to join Louis and his two mates Jack and Luca on one of their usual binge smoking sessions that Monday afternoon.

It was rare that the two boneheaded delinquents were brought along with Louis and his other mates. They were the next step up when it came to the 'bad kids' crowd and being able to waste their afternoons with stoners and addicts such as themselves was most likely the highlight of their month.

And along with the free marijuana and a roof over their heads, Matt and Jason had the fortune to endure another one of Louis' one night stand's gone wrong. Stories that would be meaningless and irritating if it had been anyone else telling the tale. But this was Louis, and Louis' words were valued immensely.

"I mean honestly, have you ever seen me get all lovey dovey with someone? No one has, and the reason being, because I've never done that shit. These sluts should know that they're only good for a one time use." Louis grumbled, throwing his head back to chug the last remains of his beer.

Jack spoke up, eyes dancing with amusement, "Oh gay boys and their toys."

Louis shot him a warning stare. "We always seem to go over the fact that this gay boy, or actually man," he pointed a finger at himself with a grin, "gets more action in a week than you've gotten your entire life. It has its perks you know."

Jack sat up in his seat, hands folded in his lap as he leaned forward, "Perks. Yet you just finished telling us about the whiney little bitch who won't leave you alone."

Matt spoke up from where he was sat on the floor, "Oh yeah, how is Niall."

This caused the group of five to all let out a good laugh. Louis found humour in the joke, but the mention of Niall brought on an irritated eye roll.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with that little bugger. It's not like I can toss him aside like the rest, he's supposed to be my best mate."

Niall and Louis have known each other since they were infants, grew up as best friends and only now have things been complicated.

Jason scoffed, wiping his wet lips. "Please, he'll be out of your way once he starts screwing that new wimpy faggot. Probably already is."

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about that charity case." Matt laughed, passing the bong along to the next person, sitting back with a satisfied smile.

Louis shook his head with a grin, kicking the garbage off his bed and sprawling out lazily, "Harry," He nodded his head, remembering his name clear as day. "I wouldn't say charity case, he's just a touch pathetic, mostly oblivious to the world around him. Nice kid."

"Nice kid?" Luca questioned, "When the hell have you talked to him?"

"We ran into one another the other day. A funny one he is, awkward as hell but a good laugh." Louis responded, nearly chuckling at the memory of Harry's horrid pajamas and evident flushed cheeks.

"Well if he's as funny as you say he is then let's invite him over here some time!" Matt suggested with false enthusiasm, making the others erupt in laughter.

They definitely fed on the innocence and insecurities of people like Harry. It made them feel empowered; laying eyes on someone so weak and soft looking. Its ironic how they'd never dare to take part in conversation with someone like Harry, yet they need him and those similar to him to be where they are right now. Without the weak, their social status would be non existent.

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