Chapter 12

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It's baffling how you can be so against something and have all your morals set up for you, and then life puts you in a situation where you're faced with exactly what you're against and you have to go along with it.

Well that's kind of how Harry was feeling right now, but less dramatic.
That thing that he's so against is Louis, and here he is in the passengers seat to his Jeep, listening to ASAP rocky on his CD player. He wanted more than anything to ask for it to be turned off, or at least the volume to be lowered. But from what he knew, Louis wasn't the most accommodating of people.

Simply remembering his bad rep and Zayn's voice when he had said just stay clear of Louis makes Harry question what the hell he was doing agreeing to get in his car. But jumping out was out of the question, unless his whole body being scraped against the pavement would be less torturous than a day spent with Louis Tomlinson. It wasn't a bad idea, actually.

"I've gotta pick something up here quickly, you'll wait in the car." Louis finally spoke, pulling into the driveway of a large house. Surprisingly enough he had been silent the whole ride, his
obnoxious and cocky self masked behind the foul music.

Harry didn't even question it, he was so mad at himself for agreeing to cut class and go with the older boy that he didn't even want to speak if unnecessary.
All he wanted was to get through the next few hours alive, get dropped back at school and never speak to the guy again.

Louis disappeared into the large house for a good ten minutes before Harry started getting impatient. He was thoughtful enough to leave the car running but Harry was running out of radio stations and there was no fix to the absolute shit that is our generations pop music. Plus, he didn't like being treated like a kid or a dog that had to stay in the car while mommy ran her errands. He was in college and nearly the same age as Louis, he should be treated as such. So he figured that if he was crazy enough to tag along with Louis in the first place, he was crazy enough to follow into the house too.

So that's what he did.

Oddly enough the door was unlocked and he let himself in easily, looking around as a new wave of nerves overcame him. The house was big on the inside as well and whoever owned it had more money than Harry at least. But it wasn't anything special. And it smelled of beer and microwaveable macaroni.

It was silent on the main floor, but Harry jumped when he heard a sudden groan from down below, followed by another yell. The voices were strained and the third scream, he could tell, belonged to Louis. Harry being Harry let the craziest of thoughts run through his head. Is he hurt?

"Fuck, no!"

Harry felt his breathing pick up for the hundredth time that day. He swore if he had one more scare he'd go into cardiac arrest. But focusing on the task at hand, he needed to make sure Louis wasn't being killed down there or something.

He heard laughs next and a throaty "he's struggling, look at this pussy," and that was enough to send Harry hurrying down the stairs to the basement.

"Louis?" His voice came out more frantic than he intended as he scanned the room.

"Look at that cunts, I won." Louis was now visible, settled between two older boys Harry had no recollection of, with a gaming controller in hand.

Now would be another great moment to add to Harry's list of dumbest moments. And the best part was that they'd already noticed his entrance, so there was no way to run, although the pansy he was, he considered it.

"Who the fuck are you, kid?" One spoke up, his voice terribly coarse, as if he'd been smoking since the age of seven.

Harry stepped back insecurely, sticking his two feet together and eyes running wild across all of their faces, until they landed on Louis.

"You know this guy?" Another piped up, gesturing to Harry and looking at Louis with raised brows.

"Yeah, he's a friend of Niall's, I'm just taking him somewhere." Louis replied, tossing his controller and making his way to a still quiet Harry. His expression was unreadable.

"Where did he come from? He's quite special ain't he?" Another spoke with a smirk, clearly teasing Louis and making Harry scowl. He didn't understand what the deal was with all these older scary college guys but it wasn't justifying his time with Louis at all.

"Keep it in your pants Cam, will you? I'll see you lot later." Louis somewhat huffed, placing a hand on Harry's back and directing him up the stairs to leave.

Harry could sense some tension and he decided against talking until they got to the car. He pretty much turned mute when he was around Louis because the older boy was unpredictable and moody and he was small and nervous. However, he was grateful he didn't notice the misunderstanding when Harry ran down there in the first place and thought he was being beat up or something. That would've been embarrassing.

"I thought I told you to stay in the car." Louis spoke plainly once the key was in the ignition, his eyes trained on the road intensely.

Harry shifted in his seat, looking out his window and mumbling a small, "you were taking too long."

Louis found a smile threatening to form on his lips when he glanced at Harry, who was still not meeting his eyes. He sat with his legs tight together and hands fiddling in his lap, he resembled a little boy.

"You were worried then were ya?"

Harry spoke too soon when he had thought Louis didn't notice him running in there in panic. "I don't know what you're talking about."

This time Louis let the smile settle on his face, he even laughed out loud, startling Harry.

"I'm going to tell you now Harold, and don't forget it," Louis' voice came out in warning and it both intrigued and frightened Harry.

"I notice everything."

QOTC: Why do you think Louis wanted Harry to stay in the car when he went into his mates house? (It's a frat house FYI)

And what are your predictions for the next chapter when they get to Louis' destination and finally hang out like he's wanted?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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