episode two

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A loud bang came from outside, you leaned up from your bed "what was that" you whispered. You used your powers to turn on the bedside lamp on Bucks side of the bed, but you turned it off when you couldn't see anything. Another bang, you looked up again and turned on the same light, but once again turned it off when you couldn't see anything.


"Yes dear"

"Are you using your powers to turn on the light?"

"Yes dear"

"Allow me sweetheart" He got up from bed, turned the light on again and looked outside of the window. "What do you see Buck?".

"Only the rose bushes"

"That's all?"

"I assure you doll there's nothing out there" He smirked, turning away from the window and looking at you. "You have no reason to be scared-" Another bang happened and he scurried under the covers, burring his face in the pillow.

"You were saying?"

"Actually, I did hear some of the guys at work talking about some suspicious people moving in the neighborhood, who knows what there doing or even what they look like?"

"Oh yes, like having a metal arm and moving objects without touching them"

"Oh come on they weren't talking about us". The conversation was ended abruptly as another bang occurred  and you both moved closer, holding on to each other. "One of us should find out were the sound is coming from".

"Yes one of us should" With another weird sound, you got out of Bucky's embrace "Oh this is getting ridiculous, I'm going to take a look" You moved your finger in the air, to move the curtains to reveale a tree branch banging on the window. "Oh, well I think we handled that well"

"I've got to say, I'm proud of us, and look how you have taken the opportunity to get closer to me" You giggled "Y/N doll"

"Yes Buck"

"Get the light will you" And you both went under the covers, your hand appearing to glide your finger to switch the light off.

Its been a long long time staring y/n l/n and James Barnes.

Its been a long long time staring y/n l/n and James Barnes

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Welcome Geraldine!

"Buck what on earth are you doing?". Bucky was sitting on a stool, that sat in a paddling pool in the middle.

"I'm practicing for the town fair of course"

"How can you practice a dunk tank?"

"Well I needed to see so I could make sure I don't fall in"

"Your not worried that people will see through this charade?"

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