On a Very Special Episode...

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You were bouncing Steve who was crying "Sleep Steve don't you want to sleep" He started to wail loader "Mommy wants to sleep, if you go to sleep i promise you will be my favorite twin".

As you said that Bucky came down the stairs with Rebecca crying just as loud as Steve "C'mon doll you know we love them the same"

"Well don't tell him that, no luck with Rebecca"

"You can hear that I've not" You were both bouncing the babies "Ready to dance doll" you made your way over to each other swaying side to side.

"Its almost like were on a date, Buck we should get there Binkies"

"Will do" as you put the kids down they started wailing louder.

"Well I know parents aren't supposed to take short cuts, but I think this situation calls for one, don't you?" They wailed louder "Go to sleep my babies" you hovered your finger over the twins and for a breath moment silence. Before it was interrupted with another loud cry. "And go to sleep" you hovered your finger over them this time instead of crying, they were giggling. "Well I don't think its funny why wont you do what I want".

"What was the doll" Bucky came from the kitchen with the kids binkies in his ears.

"That is not were those go"

"What, so there not for noise cancelation?". You wiped them on your shirt before putting them in the twins mouths. Silence "Look I think its worki-" Steve and Rebecca spat there binkies out at you and Bucky. "Buck"


"What are we doing wrong?"

"Oh don't worry doll, we'll figure it out perhaps we just need more time to get to know each together"

"Maybe, or maybe we just need some help" The doorbell rang and you glided your finger over Bucky's left arm, making it appear normal  you turned around to see it was Agnes "Hiya kids"

"Oh Agnes" you said. She was wearing bright colored clothing "I was just on my way to jazzercize when I heard your new little bundles of joy were on a sleep strike"

"Oh, who told you that" Bucky said putting his hands in his jean pocket.

"Ugh, my ears anyway aunty Agnes is her and I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve"

"Agnes your a life saver"

"Well ok but be careful of there belly buttons and remember to support there head and when was the last time you washed you hands. Actually you know what maybe it would be better no" Bucky said running over to the cribs, standing in front of them protectively.

"Do you want me to take that again?" Agnes looked confused, the same look Geraldine or whatever her name was,   Bucky glared at you he was as confused as you. "I'm sorry?"

"You want me to hold the babies, should we just take it from the top?" She grabbed her gym bag and began to leave before Bucky and you started giggling. "Oh don't be silly, Buck lets let Agnes give it a try". She laughed and it seemed that she was now normal again, the color returning to her face.

"Fuzzie babies meet buns of steal, we dare you to stay awake"  she went to the babies rocking there cribs while lunging. "y/n" Bucky called indicating you to step to the side.

"What was that about"

"What was what"

"What was what that with Agnes just now"

"Well, she just got confused for a moment, she seems fine now"

"But what she said, the way she looked at you"

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