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        Foster watched as Peter staggered out of the room, the syringe sticking out from his shoulder, Scott quick to follow. She bit down nervously, watching as Scott walked out into battle once again. It terrified her to think that Deucalion wanted Scott in his pack, and Foster would be an absolute wreck if Deucalion succeeded with his wishes.

        The doors slowly shut and Foster could hear the growls sounding from the hallway outside, Foster hesitantly making her way toward the window as she searched for their ticket to slip out. She peaked her head out the door, seeing the twins too invested in fighting Peter and Scott to pay them any attention. Looking toward everyone behind her, she nods, ushering them down the corner.

        "Go," she hissed. "Go, go, go."

        Once Derek, carrying Cora, and Jennifer slipped down the hallway, Stiles grabbed onto Foster's wrist, tugging her down the hallway, the girl reluctantly following. They found themselves sprinting down the hallway, following the signs that will lead them to the garage. 

        They now had both Ethan and Aiden distracted, but they still had no idea as to the whereabouts of Deucalion and Kali. Foster knew that they were there, seeing as though Deucalion had gotten hold of Melissa McCall. 

        Then again, the only thing on her mind as of right now is get Cora to safety. They needed to get Cora out of here, and in all honesty, that is Foster's number one priority.

        They burst through another set of double doors, Foster quickly shutting them. Silently, she prayed that they wouldn't run into desperately-needing-a-pedicure and here's-my-fucking-spear-cane

        Looking inside, Foster lets out a sigh of relief to see that the ambulance is still out there, meaning that they can still get away.

        "It's still here!" Stiles exclaimed, ushering Derek and Jennifer toward it. Stiles and Foster quickly dart in front of the two, each ripping a door open to allow Derek to slide Cora onto the stretcher inside. 

        Stiles climbed into the ambulance, extending his arm and hoisting Foster inside as well. The two teenagers help Derek lift Cora into the back of the ambulance, lying her down on the stretcher gently.

        "Derek, over here," Jennifer spoke, Foster audibly grimacing just by the sound of her voice. She really hated Jennifer, it was already a given. Derek slowly backed away, Stiles glancing over at the girl beside him nervously. In all honesty, neither of them really wanted to know what the hell Jennifer saw that is spooking her out. And it was more than likely going to be Deucalion, much to Foster's dismay.

        Foster watched as Derek backed away slowly, escaping their gaze and making his way beside Jennifer. Stiles and Foster were silent, waiting anxiously for what was bound to come next, and neither of them were looking forward to what else the night held for them.


        Foster felt herself stiffen, goosebumps running down her arm due to the way Kali sang Julia's name, whoever Julia is. Probably Jennifer, but Foster was in too much of a panic to worry about that right now. 

        Foster quickly glanced toward Stiles, nodding at the doors of the ambulance. It was obvious that Derek and Jennifer were more or less screwed due to Kali's entrance, but Stiles and Foster could at least try and save Cora. They each grabbed a handle of the ambulance's back doors, pulling them shut and locking them quietly.

Eye of the Hurricane ▸ Scott McCall (2)Where stories live. Discover now