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When Ella Foster finally got home that night, a number of significant events occurred.

First, and foremost, while Kira, Scott, and Foster were racing to get to Derek's loft where their friends had tracked Stiles down to; their friends were being used as pawns to protect the Nogitsune from the Oni, only for him to go missing along with the four.

This had her mind racing in all sorts of macabre endings that she would never be able to forget in her years of life. For all she knew, Stiles could be dead right now. Or maybe he was creating something worse. Either way, each and every one of them were at a blank as to right now.

After their long, they had decided to all go home and get some sleep before going into a heavy search the next day. Foster wasn't going to lie, she was in a dire need of sleep. With the nightmares making her sleep sufferable and lacking, spending her days out and about in search of a way to exorcise the Nogitsune out of Stiles was draining her.

She jammed the keys into the apartment door, unlocking it before entering with a solemn sigh.

The blonde was beyond tired, and all she wanted was to pass out there and then. She tossed the keys onto the island in the kitchen, trudging toward the couch and falling against it on her flat back. A large breath of relief was exhaled, Foster's eyes fluttering shut for a mere moment as she thought back to everything that happened.

Her breaths were slow and short, in and out; calming her down. Just for a minute, she tried to forget about Stiles and the Nogitsune, she tried to forget about everything for just a few moments. A few minutes of bliss, a few minutes where everything in her world where was nonexistent. 

A pure moment where for once, it almost appeared that Beacon Hills wasn't a town filled with nothing but anguish and strife; chaos and grief.

In her moment of bliss, that was when the second alarming event occurred. 

The sound of someone stirring caused Foster's blue eyes to snap right back open, brows furrowed together in confusion. She propped herself up onto her elbows, glancing toward the clock in the kitchen to see that it was seven.

Her father wasn't supposed to get home from work until nine.

He even reminded her of that this morning, picking up a later shift at the office. Which was why she felt panic course through her veins in fear. Watch it be her luck that the Nogitsune decided to show up at the Foster residence for the hell of it.

With fear creeping up her spine, Foster crept off of her couch as silently as possible. In her mind, she knew that if she was going to die, she was going to go down swinging. Which was why she slowly backed into her kitchen, her hand curling around to closest thing she could grab.

Glancing toward the metal object, she released a hiss of annoyance.

Christ, she was going to go down fighting with a kitchen knife. Because that was totally a lethal, or even potentially injuring, weapon.

She heard footsteps pad down the hallway, her jaw falling slack and shoulders rigid as she awaited the figure to appear. Of course, when a tall, familiar, lanky figure stepped out into the light, the kitchen knife fell to the ground with a clatter as a bright, beaming smile took hold of Foster's face.

A grin that wide had never been seen on someone's face, at least, Isaac Lahey had never seen someone smile that bright. In his direction, no less.

Before the formerly injured werewolf could react, Foster was sprinting through the living room before barreling into his arms. Isaac released an oof sound as the wind practically knocked out of him at the force the girl sent his way. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his torso, not even bothering to reach up his tall figure. 

Eye of the Hurricane ▸ Scott McCall (2)Where stories live. Discover now