Chapter 4

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Present Day

"MAYA!!!"  My mother shouts my name from the bottom of the staircase as I rush to cram the rest of the information into my head.  I have to write an essay today in my Language class, and unlike last year, I actually want to do well in all of my classes.  I pack up all of my notebooks and binders into my backpack and exit my room.


I trudge down the stairs, and Wes, Ari, and Rose are sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hey, Maya!" Rose grins widely at me and pulls out the chair next to her for me to sit.  I plop my butt down in the chair and start to stack my plate with the pancakes and bacon my mom made.  She usually doesn't cook, but today, she wanted me to have a good breakfast.

"Maya, you ready for the essay today?" Wes asks.

"I studied my ass off yesterday, but I still think my best is not enough.  Mr. Hernandez better give us a good score," I reply around my mouthful of pancakes, "he gives so much extra credit though; I could probably fail this essay and still get an A in the class."

Wes scoffs.  "I wish you could write my essay for me...  Hm.  I can't believe I said that.  Just last year, you probably would have looked at me like I'd grown two heads or something.  Little Maya's growing up."  He reaches over and ruffles my hair.

I was just thinking about that when I was getting ready for school this morning.  Last year, the old Maya was trying to sleep off the pounding heading she brought upon herself when she followed Asher Collins into the dark alleyway.  I still get nightmares about that night; I remember when I told Ari and Rose of it last year...


I sat on my bed shaking with fear.  Wes, Ari, and Rose were sitting on my bed; I was leaned against Wes and Ari and Rose took hold of each of my hands.

"Last night," I sniffed and hiccuped, "when I couldn't find you guys, I went to the bar to get a drink and Asher came up to me..."  I give them every little, gory detail I can remember, and by the end, new tears are streaming down my face.

"Hey, hey...It's okay, we'll keep you safe."  Wes strokes my hair as I cry into his t-shirt.

Ari and Rose are crying along with me.  I realize at that moment that I don't think I can talk to another guy again.  Except Wes, of course.  I thought Asher was nice, but he turned on me as quickly as Dan Humphrey turned on his friends in Gossip Girl.  At least Dan was happy at the end...I bitterly thought.  I can't take the chance of letting anyone take advantage of me ever again.

End Flashback

We're on our way to school in Wes' giant truck, and I'm really nervous.  I need to redeem myself from last year, when I got, at most, a C on one of my finals.

We arrive at school, and as Wes finds his parking spot, I look out at the stream of people who still jeer at me for that night.  Asher had told me to not discuss the occurrence, but I guess he just meant the rape part.  By Monday, the whole school heard that I slept with Asher Collins, and I had to deal with the names being thrown at me.  Slut. Whore. Easy.  Guys come up to me and ask me to meet them in empty classrooms or bathrooms.  I tried to hold my head up high, but it's hard going from everybody liking you, to turning against you.  Of course, I tried to convince them otherwise, but because of my reputation as a rebel last year, it's difficult to escape their judgement.

I climb out of the car again and reluctantly trudge to school.  I expect that people are going to give me shit, since this is the one year anniversary of everybody finding out about me and Asher.

Wes smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You ready, Maya?"

I take a deep breath to calm myself.  "Yeah, actually, I am."

I can't let anyone ruin my grade on the finals, and I think I've gotten used to the name calling by now.  I still don't give a second glance to any boys walking my way.  Not that any of the guys at my school are hot anyways.  As I walk past the gate to Centennial, I can clearly tell that my life now is a lot easier than it was last year when I thought my goal in life was to be seen as "cool" by everyone else.

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"You're going to fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever.  So think of it this way; you're one heartbreak closer to happily ever after."

-Mrs. Russo, Wizards of Waverly Place

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