Chapter 15

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I woke up at 6 am this morning to Shelley shouting in my ear that I had to get up and see Robin, so with my whole body protesting, I dragged myself out of bed and put on some comfortable sweatpants.  I quickly brushed my teeth with the unused toothbrush I found in the drawer and pulled my hair up into a ponytail.  I then left the building and jogged over to the Academy, which is why I'm standing here in front of Robin's office at 6:45 am, rubbing my tired eyes.

"Come in!!" Robins voice travels through the door.  I step into the large and familiar office and see Robin sitting at his desk and next to him is...

"Rose?!" My eyes widen as I see one of my best friends.  "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Maya." She grins at me and waves with a twinkle in her eye.  Robin answers my question for me.

"Rose is one of our best Watchers.  She was assigned to keep an eye on you since you were in fifth grade, I believe.  She was supposed to keep you from finding out about us, but here we are."  Robin glares at Rose, who laughs and shrugs it off.

"I tried Uncle Rob, but I didn't know Harry was talking to her.  If you're looking for someone to blame, blame Harry."

Uncle Rob?  I look over at my best friend for 7 years and wonder if I even knew her at all.  My eyes meet hers through her glasses and nods, and I can tell that she's promising to tell me everything when we have time.

"Speaking of Harry, the Healers told me he made a rather miraculous recovery from his vampire bite.  They told me early this morning that he had been bitten, and when I was about to threaten them if they didn't cure it, they told me it began healing itself! Can you believe that?"

"Well, considering I just recently discovered the existence of vampires, I don't know what's miraculous or not anymore," I grumble.

Robin ignores my statement.  "Anyway, I told Shelley to direct you to me when you woke up because you're required to complete the remainder of your years here at the Alliance.  I thought you'd be able to finish this school year, but due to recent complications, you'll have to stay here.  It's too dangerous for you to stay at your house, and not only that, but without proper training, your abilities will be out of control."

"Right...but I don't think I have any abilities.  I'm not that smart, I can't run, and I'm just about the weakest person I know."

"And that's why I brought Rose here to help you.  I don't expect you to know what sector you're supposed to be in, but I had hoped that Harry would be able to find your advantage in the short period of time you two were together.  She's going to take you to the Testing Room today, where you'll have to partake in physical and mental tests.  By the end of the day today, you'll know which sector you belong in.  Good luck to you."  He nods his head once and waves his hand to dismiss us.

Rose and I walk out of the room together, and after a few moments of silence, I begin questioning her.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I can't help but feel a little hurt; don't best friends tell each other everything?  But I know she was probably protecting me from this world.

"Trust me, Rose. I wasn't allowed to, but I was so close to telling you so many times.  You're still my best friend along with Ari and Wes and nothing is ever going to change that.  I'm still the same person I always was; I never pretended to be different."  She looks at me with sincerity shining out through her eyes that are begging me to forgive her.

"It's okay Rose, you'll always be my best friend too.  It's just weird to think of you as some sort of a spy. more secrets, okay? Even if you're trying to protect me."  The sweet and shy Rose that I know is still there, and I know Rose would never hurt me on purpose.

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