Chapter 8

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"Okay, I think you're all set Harry," Robin says. "And Maya, I'm sorry I'm going to have to send Harry back home with you for a while. He was going to stay at his aunt and uncle's house, but they canceled the last minute, and I doubt he can take care of himself." Harry gives a disgruntled look at his father. "You're all packed, right Harry?"

"Yup." Harry pats the suitcase and duffel bag next to him. "Do I really have to go though? Why couldn't I just stay at Louis'?" Harry pouts.

"Because you'd still be here, son, and I need you away until Leader Charlotte leaves."

Harry rolls his eyes; I swear, he's done that about twenty times since I've met him.

"Wait, so do any of you know what I'm going to tell my mom? I told her that I'm going to be back tonight, and I'm not a genius or anything, but won't she think it's a little weird if I bring a random guy into the house?"

"Actually, I already sent someone to your house to tell your mom while Harry was giving you a tour of Wesserli Academy. She believes that an exchange student from England is coming and staying for the period I need Harry to be gone. Anyways, I don't have time to tell you everything but I'm sure Harry will fill you in on everything when he gets to your house. I'll see you soon; thank you for all of your help Maya, I know our world must seem extremely strange to you, but I know Harry will be able to answer any of the questions you may have.  And Harry, be good to her." He fixes a pointed look at Harry and sticks his hand out for me to shake. What does he mean he sent someone to my house? I shake off the thought; this isn't nearly the weirdest thing that's happened today. I take Robin's extended hand and give him a warm smile before following Harry back down the hallway that I came in from.


I step back into the alleyway of Serendipity with Harry trailing behind me.  This place still gives me to creeps despite it being a year since the occurrence.  We walk for a little bit towards the school when I realize that Wes brought me to school today.

"Oh crap," I grumble, "How are we supposed to get home? My friend brought me to school today.  I guess we can call a cab."

"Don't be stupid.  Here, get on me.  Just tell me where to go."  Harry turns around waiting for me to get on his back.  Oh yeah. How did I forget about that?

"I don't think that's a good idea.  There are still people walking around.  I think they'd find it a little strange seeing someone running past them at the speed of light with somebody on their back."

"Don't worry.  I'll make sure they won't see us," Harry smirks and gestures at his back again for me to jump on.

I shake my head and wander over to where he is standing.  I'm actually pretty nervous, but who wouldn't be?  I jump onto Harry's back and give him directions to my block.  I wrap my arms and legs tightly around him because his hands are occupied with carrying his luggage.

"You might want to close your eyes," Harry lets out a chuckle as I bury my face into his neck, and not a half moment later, he's running.  I feel my hair fly through the wind, and I cling even tighter to him and clench my eyes even tighter.  About five seconds later, we've stopped moving but I still don't want to open my eyes.  Harry lets out a laugh.

"It's okay, Maya, you can let go now."  Harry waits while I slowly peel my head off of the crook of his neck and open my eyes.  I unhook my legs from his and jump down onto the driveway of my house.  Wow, he's good.

"I'm never doing that again," I say as I rub my temples and pat down my hair.  "So just wait here for about ten minutes while I go inside with my mom.  I still don't really know what Robin was talking about when he was saying how he sent someone to my house, so you better explain it to me later.  Anyways, I'll see you later," I give Harry a wave and jog up to my front door.  I begin to unlock the door and when I glance behind my shoulder, Harry's already gone.

When I walk through the threshold of my house, I hear pans rattling in the kitchen and my mom's voice.

"Maya, is that you?"  I see my mom's head peek around the corner from the kitchen.

"Yeah, what are you doing?" My mom looks rushed and disheveled.  She walks over to me while wiping her hands on a kitchen towel and wraps me into a hug.

"Can you believe it?  Someone came to our house this morning and it turns out the exchange student is coming sooner than we thought."  She glances at the clock behind me.  "Actually, he's probably almost here!  I'm trying to make spaghetti, but I'm not even nearly finished.  Come help me!!"  She runs back into the kitchen and with a shake of my head, I follow her.  What did Robin's messenger do to make her believe that Harry's staying with us?

"Okay, honey, I'm almost done making the sauce; can you please make the garlic bread and toss the salad? Thanks!"  I glance at my stressed mother with a small smile on my lips.  My dad left her when I was about eight years old, and she took it a lot better than I thought.  She didn't stay cooped up in her room, but she stayed strong for me.  She would always tell me that my dad would be back soon, and my little eight year old self believed her, but around the time I turned ten and realized that two years was a long time for someone to be gone and never call or visit, I confronted her about it.  Finally, she told me that my dad wasn't going to come back.  I already knew something was going on because my classmates would always tell me that it wasn't normal for your dad to be gone for that long, so I wasn't too shocked but it saddened me all the same.  But as I watched her work her ass off to support us, I knew that the two of us would be just fine.

My mom and I work quietly for some time while she hums to herself, and I'm just getting the garlic bread into the oven when I hear the doorbell ring.

"He's here! Wait here, Maya; I'll get the door."  My mom rushes to the door with her apron on and I hear her pull the door open.

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"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others, for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness, and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."


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