Chapter 14

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Harry and I stumble down the hallway to his father's office, when we hear the sound of muffled talking.  As we approach the door to the office, Harry pulls me to the side.

"Shit.  We have to go around," he murmurs and steers us to the right.  This hallway leads us to the outdoors, and right when my foot steps across the threshold, my jaw opens in amazement, and the breath escapes from my body.  

Three giant skyscrapers reach towards the sky, their height making the Empire State Building look small.  The building on the left held a giant blue banner that pictured an owl, the one in the middle was red with a picture of a jaguar, and the one on the left, a picture of a lion rested on a yellow banner.  In the middle of those three skyscrapers, there lay a giant circle of grass with the diameter of no less than three football fields.  The Alliance symbol lay in the center of the circle.  The whole field is illuminated by bright lights, and only a few people are seen about.  Buildings that were not nearly as tall as the main three were spread around the city.

Harry watched me look around in amazement, but soon, he took my arm and began guiding me away.  "I know everything looks amazing, but we need to get to my place."  

I snap out of my reverie and remember that Harry needs to get fixed up.  He seems to have read my mind as he says, "The healers' office is on the third floor of every building; they're open twenty four hours a day, so that's good."  I didn't see it before, but with every step, Harry winces slightly.  I don't particularly like him, but I didn't want to see a pile of crumpled Harry on the ground after fighting with Niall.  Besides, he said he was my "protector" or something, so if he was killed, I probably would've been taken and killed by Niall.

"Get on my back."  Harry turns around and waits.  I sigh and jump onto his back and bury my face into his shoulder, prepared for his speed this time.  When I open my eyes again, we're standing in front of the red banner, and when I look up, the building is so tall I can't even see the top of it.

"Let's go."  Harry holds the giant glass door open for me to enter.  The ambience of the room is warm and welcoming when I enter, and it sort of reminds me of the Gryffindor common room, but larger and more technologically advanced.  I don't have time to scrutinize everything because Harry is walking away from the room and to a row of elevators on the right.  The elevator doors automatically open when we come in front of them, and when we step in, Harry presses the number 3 on the elevator.  A second later, the elevator doors open again and I look at Harry quizzically.  "Why didn't we move?"

"We did; it was just extremely fast, and you didn't feel it because the Brains made it that way.  Don't ask me how because I have no idea."

Well then.

The floor that we came to looks like a hospital floor, but the posters on the wall signify that it isn't a normal hospital.  The lady at the receptionist desk points Harry to a room down the hall and gives me a warm smile as I pass her to follow Harry.  When we enter the room down the hall, I see a short lady with long black hair, and next to her, I see a familiar face.

"Hi, Maya!!  It's so good to see you again.  I thought I wouldn't get to."  The girl bounces over to me and gives me an unexpected hug.

"Hey, Shelley. It's nice to see you too.  What are you doing here?"  I give a genuine smile back at her.

"I'm training to become a healer like Dr. Alvarez over here; what are you guys doing here? I thought you weren't going to come back for at least another month or two."  Just then, her gaze drifts over to Harry.

"Oh, goodness Harry, what have you done?  You look like you've been mauled by a vampire."  Her eyes move from his bleeding nose, down to his split lip, and lower to his bleeding leg.

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