ch. I

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FEBRUARY was when everything started going downhill.

it wasn't supposed to be like this, this wasn't supposed to happen

if it weren't for you and your damn smile.

the idea of falling in love never really crossed jisoo's mind, she doesn't feel the need to be in a relationship and it's not like she doesn't believe in it.

all she needed in life aside from her members and family were her books, dalgomie, and her beloved Blinks.

well, atleast that's what she thought, before she met her.

"lilies of the valley?"

chaeyoung's lips curved into a sweet smile, "of course unnie, they're your favourite after all."

"why'd you get me these?" the korean, with a forming blush on her face, asked curiously.

"i just stopped by a flower shop a while ago, and, 'kinda thought about you." the younger woman mumbled the last sentence, barely audible. "you just got your first lead role as an actress! this is my way of saying congratulations to you."

"ahh, chaeyoung-ah that's very sweet of you,"

"but if this is your way of apologizing because you chose cherry blossoms over trees, then no i don't accept it." jisoo teased, walking ahead of the taller woman trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

she furrowed her eyebrows, groaning as she jogged to catch up with the shorter woman, "yah! unnie that was years ago let it go!"

jisoo dropped her head in her hands and tried to keep her balance, a knock on the door pulling her out of her thoughts.

"unnie, i have to use the bathroom, hurry up!" a muffled voice came through the door.

"give me a sec." she flushed the toilet, watching as the flower petals began to swirl away. she stood up and opened the door, the thai pushing past her.

"thank god, you were taking forever!" lisa exclaimed, slamming the bathroom door shut.

jisoo walked away, heading to the dorm room that she shared with jennie. she flopped down on her bed, arms outstretched, and let out a melancholy sigh. she had started throwing up flowers about a week ago.

she knew immediately that they were white roses; after all, how could she forget?

the interviewer held up a card. "here's a question, if you were to receive any kind of flower, what type of flower would it be?"

"white roses," rosé answered immediately.

"why is that?" the interviewer prompted.

"i've heard somewhere that white roses were associated with the goddess of love and beauty in roman times."

"theres was this myth that said that all roses were white until aphrodite pricked herself with the thorns and turned them all red. later, in the victorian era, suitors sent bouquets of white roses to those they intended on pursuing to signify the beginning of a courtship."

"it's kinda romantic if you ask me, and i'm a hopeless romantic myself. so, you guys know what to do." the blonde smirked suggestively before winking at the camera.

"oh," the interviewer laughed. "someone's confident!"

the minute she started coughing up those flowers, jisoo knew it was the hanahaki disease. it was a disease that had only began circulating recently, but scientists had been able to deduct a few things. intense heartbreak caused the disease.

the flowers would grow within the body, and the victim would begin to throw them up. if the victim got over the object of their affection, the disease would eventually cease. if the victim could not get over their beloved, they had two options: a procedure to remove the flowers, which would also remove all feelings they harbored towards their loved one, or death.

jisoo tried her best to keep this knowledge under wraps. she knew if her members found out, they would try to make her get the surgery to remove the flowers from her body. she knew they would do it with the best intentions. she knew they would do it because they cared about her, but she couldn't stand the thought of removing the flowers,

because removing the flowers meant that her feelings would disappear too.

as the eldest of the group, she didn't want to worry her members. instead, she kept quiet.

jisoo wasn't ready to live in a world where she didn't love chaeyoung. a world where she didn't love chaeyoung wasn't a world she wanted to live in.

"time for rehearsals!"

she hopped off her bed, trying to occupy her mind with thoughts of their upcoming dance session rather than the flowers.

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