ch. IV

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JUNE was when jisoo's hospitalization occured.

the past thirty days had been those of awkward silence, but the group decided to give jisoo the best sense of normalcy that they could provide her with in june.

it was during this month that everyone asked once more: who was the mysterious person that caused jisoo so much heartbreak that she had come down with hanahaki disease? as much as they pestered jisoo, she remained tight lipped. "i'm not saying."

"come on jis," jennie whined. "give us a hint, at least."

"i'm not going to tell you," jisoo stated with conviction, then winced. her throat was always sore.

the taller woman rushed over with a cup. "do you need water?"

jisoo nodded and moved to grab the cup, but she was already trying to pour the water down her throat. "open your mouth."

"okay, mom." jisoo retorted weakly.

"shut up," lisa chided her. "do you need anything else?"

"i'm fine, you worry too much. you're gonna get wrinkles and grey hair soon." jisoo gave her a teasing smirk to lighten up the mood causing the thai to gasp, "yah! and you wonder why jennie's my favourite unnie!" she exclaimed.

"hey, you take that back right now!" jisoo held up a plastic fork threatening her.

jennie rolled her eyes at the bickering duo, she placed a hand on jisoo's forehead. "you need to get some rest."

she ushered lisa out of the room before jisoo actually had the chance to stab her.

she watched the scene, getting all emotional all of the sudden. when she auditioned for YGE, she had been praying to be accepted to become a trainee. when she was going through training, she had hoped to be able to debut and become an idol, even though her initial dream was to be an actress. she hadn't expected to gain three sisters out of the whole deal;

three girls, who loved her unconditionally and who supported her no matter what. once lisa had left the room, jennie began to follow, walking out the door.

"jendeuk." she called out softly.

jennie turned around. "do you need something?"

"no, i just—"

she yawned, suddenly overcome with a wave of exhaustion. "stay with me?"

jennie didn't say anything, merely slipping under the covers in response. jisoo moved over to make more room, reveling in the warmth that the other woman brought with her.


"you can tell me anything, you know that right? i'm your bestfriend, and i dont like seeing you like this." jennie whispered, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

a sigh escaped jisoo's lips, a deafening silence filled the room as she took a deep breath,

"i mean, if you have a crush on me just say it." she ruined the moment causing jisoo to smack her in the shoulder, "since when did you get all cocky? stop hanging out with lisa!"

as their laughter subsided, she waited for a few seconds before speaking. "—it's chaeyoung."

"what?" jennie heard her the first time, she just couldn't believe what she was hearing right now.

jisoo brought her hands up to cover her face, "it's stupid i know, liking someone that's just supposed to be your bandmate."

they had been living together for almost a decade, why is it that jisoo catches feelings now? and why does it have to be chaeyoung?

she felt jennie pull her hands away from her face. "you're not stupid for having feelings."

"it is! i'm not supposed to be having these... feelings. especially towards someone who's probably never going to reciprocate—"

"you don't know that."

"you don't know what?"

"you don't know if chaeyoung likes you or not." jennie responded, "is that why you have the disease? do you think whatever you two have going on is one-sided?"

"i don't know..."

"unnie, you're hurting yourself."

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