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'what else are you going to do, take a bullet for me?'


isn't it obvious enough? i'm already in the verge of dying for you. what more can i possibly do?

"i would. i'd do it again, and again."

"don't you know that unnie?" she whispered to no one in particular. her phone still pressed on her ear even though the reciever had already hung up. she had been standing there minutes after the call for god knows how long,

lisa eyes bore through her own reflection in the mirror. she can't help but chuckle at her own stupidity.

"you idiot."

everyone knows i'm not selfish. i wouldn't try to ruin someone's happiness to fulfill mine. that's just the way i am, i keep giving, and giving, until nothing's left of me.

i hated seeing you in that hospital bed, knowing i couldn't do anything about it. i wish i could make you happy. i know you won't understand it the way i do, that's the reason why i made chaeyoung go after you.

you've taught me alot of things during our trainee days. but as time passes by, i've just learned that the impulse to do something for a certain someone you care about is called "love", and that was the most important thing you taught me, jisoo.

you'll always see me as your younger sibling. it's fine, i've learned to finally accept it. as long as i get to stay by your side forever.

she began to imagine the day where jisoo would reciprocate her feelings. day after day, these thoughts would get her through the pain and give her hope that one day, jisoo's heart would beat lisa's name.

but the thai never could've imagined the hollowness pooling in her chest, knowing since day one, jisoo's heart had always beated for her bestfriend.

i don't want you to be afflicted any longer. i've been struggling to maintain that smile of yours for months, and now that you've finally earned it, i'm not going to interfere with that.

and so lisa kept her inclination unknown, hiding in the shadows, knowing all she could do at this point was love jisoo from afar.

"miss lisa? it's time to resume filming."

"just a sec,"

what would happen to me?

she gripped the rims of the sink, her mind has become obscure as her vision was blurred with unshed tears.

i've never thought about my well—being, i never cared if i caught the disease. all i cared about was you, jisoo-yah. that's how much i love you, hell. i might love you even more than myself.

lisa coughed roughly, her shoulders shaking. she tried to stay as quiet as possible, bringing a fist up to her mouth. she coughed again, and this time she could feel it creeping up her throat. she coughed one more time. at last, flower petals sprang from her mouth before gently floating down to the floor. when she knelt down to pick them up, a dark, mirthless chuckle slipped out.

lisa immediately knew what type of flowers these were from; after all, how could she forget?

the interviewer motioned to jisoo. “what about you, jisoo? what flower would you be?”

she paused for a moment. “i think my sister had told me before that these bell-shaped buds resembled 'hope and love.' my eyes and smile have a charm because they always seem like they hold hope in them. I’ve always remembered what she said, so I would say lilies of the valley."


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