ch. VI

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roseanne lied.

well, it is true that she's been busy working hard on promoting her solo album. but part of it was just a distraction, to keep her mind off of her.

the way her crescest moon eyes would hold the entire galaxy, the way her lips would form a heart-shaped smile, showing her faint dimples. god, even just hearing her name — that alone — is enough to make chaeyoung smile.

she made jennie say that as an excuse. she just can't do it herself. i can't see her right now. she thought, not when she's in that condition.

while she was trapped in her thoughts, she didn't notice her bestfriend leaning on the door frame, sending daggers through her eyes.

“why haven’t you been visiting jisoo?” she confronted her.

chaeyoung looked like a deer caught in headlights. “w—what are you talking about? i've just been really busy.”

lisa crossed her arms across her chest. “busy? you can't fool me, chae. i've heard your not-so-subtle conversation with jennie-unnie. you're lucky i haven't told jisoo the truth yet."

the blonde hung her head low in shame, biting her bottom lip. a habit she does when she's nervous.

"you do realize she knows that you're avoiding her right?"

she had a guilty expression on her face as she murmured, “i'm not.”

lalisa put a hand on her shoulder. “then why won't you pay her a visit?"

"it hurts me."

"the thought of jisoo-unnie refusing to get the surgery. it scares me how much she's willing to lose, let go of herself, just to keep her feelings for someone." chaeyoung spoke, her voice breaking in the process.

on the other hand, lisa kept quiet. pinching the bridge of her nose as she took deep, shallow breaths.

"i don't get it, lisa. we've known her for almost a decade, it's unlike for her to act like this. how could she let herself fall that easily? who is this person that she admires so much—"

"you're the reason why she's in the damn hospital!"

lisa finally snapped, her voice trembling as it boomed across the room. leaving her in shock, the two of them looked at eachother intensly, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

"you're the reason why she has that stupid disease." she croaked out.

"she's in love you! goddamn it park, what's not clicking?"

chaeyoung tried to say something, but no words could come out of her mouth. "jisoo..."

"jisoo has feelings for me?"

a scoff escaped her lips "apparently."

"i'm the reason why she's suffering." chaeyoung stated, panic evident on her face as she paced around the room. "it's my fault. it's all my fault."

her bestfriend softened up, grabbing her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down. "chae, stop."

"it's no one's fault. you just need to talk to her."

"i can't, she probably hates me now."

"she doesn't, she would never." she waved her doubts away, "i know you feel the same way."

"how'd you know?" chaeyoung pulled away, i mean, i guess i've been pretty obvious. she thought.

"you're not as slick as you think you are." she chuckled, "i've seen the way you look at her."

"so, don't make this hard for her. for the both of you. she's planning on taking the surgery. you don't want that now do you?"

upon hearing that, chaeyoung felt discomfort in the center of her gut and a twinge on her heart.

"go, chae." lisa pulled her in for a hug, "her condition has gotten worse, please do something." before i do. she thought.

and so the clock struck twelve. it was the first day of AUGUST, where roseanne had finally decided to pay jisoo a visit.

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