ch. X

388 34 12

"kim jisoo is my girlfriend!"

chaeyoung yelled at the top of her lungs with pride. she had been chanting the phrase over and over again all the way to to their destination. as expected, the girls were ecstatic for the both of them, but after chaeyoung's continuous nagging, they eventually found it annoying. jisoo found it rather cute.

girlfriend, jisoo smiled at that. never in a million years she'd thought chaeyoung would be able to call her that.

"yah, park chaeyoung! quit it already!" sooyoung retorted, they were actually in a pretty secluded area with a veranda, so it was unlikely that somebody could hear them.

she stuck her tongue out playfully at the brunette and she went to kiss her girlfriend's cheek, causing the girls to squeal at them.

jisoo turns red instantly, showing affection around their friends was going to take some time to get used to. but she was glad she could be this way around them.

chaeyoung interlocked her hands with her lover as they walked towards their own room, yeri still teasing them from afar.

jennie's heart swelled. it has been months since she saw her bestfriend smile like that. she'll forever be grateful for chaeyoung being the source of jisoo's happiness.

the blonde wrapped her arms around the shorter woman in a back hug, swaying a little as she spoke, "i'm kind of nervous."


"about us, you know, this whole thing. this is new to me." she rested her chin on her shoulder.

the truth is, chaeyoung has no experience being in a relationship. she doesn't know what's right or wrong. she's yet to know what jisoo sees in her. she's afraid she might mess up, she doesn't want to hurt jisoo in any way. nonetheless, the older woman would always be there to assure her.

jisoo turned around to graze her thumb along her cheek, giving her with a loving smile. "i am too, chaeng. but let's not worry about that for a moment. it's just the two of us, us against the world."

"us against the world." she leaned her forehead against hers, closing their eyes.  they stayed in that position for a while, holding each other warmly, only to be interrupted by yeri's voice.

"hey lovebirds, it's time to leave. the restaurant will be closing soon!"

chaeyoung groaned as jisoo giggled, pulling away to extend a hand for her to hold, "let's go?"

she nodded, "let me have this call real quick, i'll be out soon."

as the younger woman left the room, jisoo made her way to the veranda, pulling out her phone to contact someone.

the first ring, a voice message was recieved. the third ring, the person finally picked it up.

"unnie?" a muzzy voice came through the speaker

"yah lalisa! what took you so long?"

"i had to wait until break time for filming. anyways, why'd you call?"

"i just wanted to thank you,"

"thank me for?"

"for taking care of me, these past months. i really appreciate it." her voice softened.

"it's not like i have a choice do i? who's going to pay for that money you owe me?" the thai joked, knowing jisoo would roll her eyes at her antics.

"aish jinjja! i can never take you seriously!" jisoo remarked causing lisa to let out that annoying ass laugh.

"of course, unnie i'm your bestfriend. i'd do anything for you." she said the last part in a muffled voice, in a weird tone that jisoo noticed.

"well that's a bit extreme, what else are you going to do, take a bullet for me?" jisoo kept up with her playful demeanor and it was this time for lisa to whine.

"shut up!"

after a while, their bantering settled down as jisoo looked at the time. "i have to go, that's all i wanted to say to you."

"again, thank you lisa-yah. please take care of yourself there, i love you!"

she hang up the phone in a rush before lisa even got a chance to speak. jisoo prepared herself as she went up to meet with their friends in the living room, chaeyoung immediately coming up to her side.

"ready to go?"

she pulled her waist as she gave her another kiss. this time, on the lips.

"if you could avoid flirting while we're still in the room, we'd be really grateful!" seulgi said with a smirk plastered on her face.

"my apologies, seulg." jisoo smiled, intertwining her fingers with her lover as they all proceeded to walk out the house.

"what? you want irene-unnie to kiss you too?" chaeyoung quipped, aware that the said woman was still there.


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