Michelle's first word

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Jasper's Pov:

Carlisle,  Esme, Rosalie and Alice went hunting. Michelle and Renesmee were fast asleep on the sofa i was smiling at them Michelle looks so cute i love Renesmee too she's sweet and funny.

"Dude can you stop staring at my daughter like that it's creepy" said edward

"sorry" i said looking away

Michelle's Pov(Surprise)

Everybody thought that me and Ness were sleeping but we weren't we were watching TV.

We didn't know what was happening in the movie we just watched closely, it started with a women running from something but didn't show what and then somebody slashed her head off me and Ness started crying and screaming everyone came running in Uncle Emmy and Uncle Luce  tried to calm Ness down While dad and Jas tried to calm me down but me and her wouldn't calm down "Why are you crying baby girls?" Asked daddy me and Ness showed him the scene of the movie and daddy got mad at uncle emmy and Jas and Luca tooks us to an other room we were confused "it's okay your dad is just angry at you're uncle Emmet because he left the TV on a wrong channel. You and Ness were watching a horror movie" Uncle Lune said and jas and him laughed a little and me and Ness were just staring at echo other.

Daddy came in a little calmly after that and Uncle Emmy behind him "Girls i'm sorry i didn't mean to turn that TV channel on " Emmy apologized "It's otay" i said and all four men look at me in shock.

"What did you just say?" Asked daddy still in total shock that made me laugh "Daddy funny" I said "wha-who-?" before daddy finished his sentence the whole family came in smiling but when they looked at daddy's shocked face they were worried "what happen?" Asked grandma "Michelle said her first words" daddy said still shocked and me and Ness laughed at him "Daddy funny" I said again and this time the whole family was shocked that made me and Ness laugh even more."I'm going to need to run some more test's because it isn't normal for a baby to say it's first words at 2 days old, even of she is a half vampire baby" Grandpa said Daddy nodded his head.

Alice's Pov:

Bella just woke up and Edward took her hunting they should be back any minuet now.

I was holding Nessie While Rose was holding M. I ran to her and asked if i can have M now because she had her all day Rose nodded and she took Ness and i took M "pweety" she said to me and i smiled "you are prettier" I said she smiled i sat her on the sofa "stay, i just need to take something" i said i wanted to take the remote i turn around just to find Michelle behind me standing "Now i thought i told you to stay" I said while smiling down at her.

After a while Edward and Bella came back i got up and run upstairs where they are.Bella was already holding Renesmee and i smiled "But where is Michelle?" she asked and my smile grow bigger.

Bella's Pov:

When i woke up i saw my beautiful husband standing there i hugged him but he had to remind me that i was a newborn and i could of crash him, he took me hunting and then i hade my chance to see my daughter's. In the main room stood Luca's, Jasper,Emmet, Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie who was holding Renesmee i took Renesmee in my arms she pulled her palm to my check and i saw a vision of when i was giving birth to her and her sister "How did she do that?" I asked "She's gifted " Edward said she was beautiful and then i remembered "But where's Michelle" I asked Edward smiled and said "Michelle sweetheart come here" He said  and i was confused 'why did he say that' and then i see Michelle walking in the room i was shocked.She came to me "Mommy?" She asked that also surprised me " yes i'm you're mommy" I said i looked at her up and down "i've been out for three days right?" I asked and everyone chuckled "Carlisle did some test's and found out that Michelle is more Vampire then Ness, Ness is 50 vampire and 50 human but Michelle is 85% Vampire and 15% Human the only thing that she can do as a human is that she can just breath if you listen closely you can't hear her heart beat any more and she drinks blood and doesn't eat human food but Ness can do both." I was shocked Just shocked but then i smiled i picked Ness and Michelle up in my arms and hugged them " okat i think that's enough for today" Said Jacob "Jacob leave her alone she's doing grate" siad Edward " what happening ?" I asked "Oh do tell her Jacob" Rosalie said "It's a wolf thing" I put Ness and Michelle in Lucas and Jasper's arms "What's a wolf thing!?" I said angry Jacob just stood there "Take Ness and Michelle out of here" i orderde to Luke and Jasper and they left I grabe Jacob by the neck and thru him outside.

Lucas Pov:

Me and Jasper took the girls in they're rooms because they were sleepy "You love her dont you" I asked jasper "Very much" he said and i bro hugged him "You know me and the whole family are happy you found your mate after 100 of years" i said and he just smiled at them"i know i can fell it" he said and we laughed and then we left the room to see what's happening outside.

Next Day

Alice Pov:

We were all in the living room waiting for Nessie and M to wake up when all of a sudden "MOMMY,DADDY" we hear Michelle scream and we all ran in her room to see......

Michelle's Pov:

I wake up and yawned when i got out of bed everything seemed shorter "what?"

i said but i was shocked my voice was changed i sat on my bed and saw my body was large i was sceard "MOMMY,DADDY" i screamed for my mom and dad when everyone came in my room they were shocked like they didn't know what was happening and they didn't "What happen to me?!" i was so scared that creamed on the question and i started crying but tears came out i was crying with no tears Jasper and Dad came to my said and clamed me down after i was calm the whole family started to come closer to me "Michelle is that you?" Grandma asked "yes-i think so" I said "Carlisle ?!" said mom and dad but grandpa was quiet "Carlisle can you run some test please" dad begged him "Sure sun" said grandpa with a still shocked face "Michelle sweety come with me" said grandpa "I think i shoud change clothes first" I said and they remember that i'm not little anymore so i'm going to need bigger clothes like aunt Alice and Rosalie "Sure hunny let me find you something" said aunt Rosie and i nodded the girls left the room and it was just me and the boys "so.............. this is kinda awkward" i said and the boys laughed and i smile "It's okay darling everything will be alright we just need Carlisle to run some tests and see what is going on" Jasper said and i nodded my head. Aunt Rosalie came back with fresh clothes and we went in grandpas and grandmas room.

after a couple of minuets grandpa came back with answers "Well looks like i was mistaken Michelle you are more vampire then human actually you are just 5%human that's why you only can breath and 95% Vampire that's why you grow so fast yesterday " grandpa said all i did is nood my head at everything he said "M are you OK?" Jasper asked and i nodded my head and then i smile remembiring something "what's that smile for?" asked mom "i remember i'm going to be the big sister YESSS!!!!!!" i scramed and everyone laughed.

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