A little fire before the Battle

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Michelle's Pov:

Jacob grabbed some wood and Benjamin set it on fire "Now that's what i'm talking about" said Jacob "Still cool" i said while smiling and Benjamin chuckled i wasn't paying attention i was looking where mom and Renesmee where. They were talking about something but when Jacob said 'or standing there like freaking statues' i smiled a little because it was true then everybody came and started talking about wars i was just standing looking at them "Why aren't you sitting" Asked Peter "There's no more space|" I said "you have space next to Jacob " said Tia "No i don't like his smell" i said and everyone laughed i started walking to the tent and saw Ness still not asleep " Hey why aren't you still asleep" i asked " you promised me that you will sing to me before i'll go to sleep" she said and i smiled" well i don't have my guitar" i said and she got up and froth my guitar i was shocked "how?" i asked "you always need your guitar" she said and then i started singing 

When i finished Ness is already asleep and i hugged her and i didn't move.

Ness woke up and we all head to the battle spot "Jacob!" i yelled for him to come he came and i told him to stay with Ness "No matter what happens stay with Ness Okay?: and he nodded his head "The red coats are coming. The red coats are coming." said Garret really nervous i stood by my dad, mom, Ness, Jasper and Jacob Jasper was holding my hand and the Voultori came Grampa was talking with Aro but i wasn't paying attention on what they were talking i was more paying attention on The rest of the Covens they were all scared . Then dad came up to Aro and Aro saw me and Renesmee when mom gave birth "I'd like to meet them" Aro said me, mom, Ness, Jacob, Peter, Uncle Emmet and Jasper started walking, when we got there Ness showed Aro everything from the begining to now and then Aro turned his face at me with shock and i was a little confused 'what did she show him' i asked dad in my head and he just smiled "Half mortal, half immortal!" said Aro " imposible" "you think they fooled me brother, Now you" Aro said pointing at me and took my hand and was shocked of what he saw "you, my dear, have a special gift" he said "You're gift is really rare" "i know" i whisper and he nodded then we trun around and went to our spots i turn around and saw Alice with Lucas and i smiled and she smiled back at me when they reached the spot were Aro is Alice showed his future and they left

(i know i skippend a lot but wait for the next chapter <3)

 We were all home now the covens left but Peter and Charlette are going to stay for a little while they wanted to know me better and i was happy. Mom and Dad said that we are going to start school when Ness grows up and that just made me mad because even if i haven't gone to school i know that it's going to be HELL.

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