After a very long time

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Michelle's Pov:

it's been 20 years since the fight, 20 years and still haven't unlished my Banshee and 20 years of a hell of a good time with my family. Me and dad play the piano everyday and i love it, Mom and Grandma help me to learn how to cook but it still isn't going well, Me, Uncle Emmet and Lucas but now i just call them Emmet or Em and Lucas Or Luke we always wrestle together and i'm the strongest out of this family but Emmet won't agree with it, Me and Grandpa are always in the study and we talk about the supernatural more, Me and Jasper are married and i love him so so much, and finaly Renesmee, Ness has grown up she is tall as mom i'm taller then her and i love her she's my twin sister but i always say that i'm the bigger overprotective sister and Ness likes it because she finds it funny.

Today Me, Ness and the rest of the family well not Grandma and Grandpa of course are going to school yey - sarcasm. Everybody at school were staring at us and some boys were tuching Ness and they got what they desrved. When it was Lunch time we went in and people were talking again i couldn't hendel it and walked out of room with Rosalie behind me because she also could not stand them. We went outside a little bit then the bell rang and we went inside i had Bio with Ness the Teacher was teaching when a girl comes in with dark brown hair she looked short as Ness and i could see that she was worried "Class this is Alison Argent our new student as well as the Cullens and Hales. Let's just see where you can sit ahh you can sit next to Michelle, Michelle please raise your hand" said the teacher and i raised my hand and Alison came over and sat down next to me and we smile at each other she wasn't writing anything so i asumed that she didn't have a pen "Here" i said and gave her my other pen she smiled and thank me. That day Ness has made friends with Alison she seemed cool but i didn't want any friends at the moment maybe next week because this one we have a lot of tests as vampires we can read something one time and then we remember it but we hade tests all day tomorrow .

We came home and me and Ness didn't leave our rooms. 

The Next day we did the tests and i was relifed that that is over and then before we got in our cars "Michelle, Nessie" Alison screamed Ness ran in her arms and i just waved and smiled and got in Emmets Jeep "who was that?" asked Jazz " some friend me and Ness made" i said and then i saw outside Ness and Alison laughing "greate now were going to wait 20 more years for her to come " i said and the family laughed.

When we came home Ness explaied the family about Alison and they wood love to meet her the Next day me and Ness told Alison about her coming to our plaice and she agreed she told us that she lived alone her father sent her here so that she can make friends here her last school didn't like her much when we got home we intredused Alison to the family and they like her when we were in the kitchen she started talking " i know" she said and we were confused "about what?" i asked "your secret about beeing vampires" she said and we were all shocked "grate" Rose said "How ?" Ness asked "Well i'm a hunter i have to know everything" she said "what do you mean about you beaing a hunter?" i asked "Well my family are the Argents and we are hunters we hunt the bad supernatural creaturs and save the good ones. My father sent me here i lived in Beacon Hills in California and there were a lot of bad creatures there and that's why he sent me here you gues are good vampires that's why i'm not hunting you" she said "But wait you know if you know our secret you have to be killed or changed correct?" said Rose " No hunters can't change they only can be killed for an example if i get changed into a vampire i have to be killed and that person that changed me also has to be killed even if i want to be a vampire so bad i can't" she said and after that we all started having fun when i said that my gift was a Banshee she was suprised and she knows a lot of supernatural stuff i think that we will be great friends.

Renesmee's twin and Jasper's mateWhere stories live. Discover now