Echo House!?

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Michelle's Pov:

The next day we went to school no Alison again so after hell or school we went to Alison's, we were at the parking lot waiting for Alice and Ness to come back from gym when they go here we went in our cars and we went to Alison's.

When we got there we saw 3 cars 'Looks like her father is here too' I said in my head, we rang the door bell Her father opened up "Can I help you?" he asked "We are Alison's friends my name is Michelle and this is my family" I said "Oh, right the Vampires" he said with a sad smile "Come on in" he said we walked in the house he stopped and looked at us with an apology look "Sorry my manners, My name is Chris Argent, Alison's father" he said with a smile "It's a pleasure to meet to Chris my name is Carlisle this is my wife Esme, My daughter Alice and her Husband Lucas, My other daughter Rosalie and her husband Emmet, My daughter in low Bella and her husband who is my son Edward and they're children Michelle and her husband Jasper and Renesmee" said Grandpa, Chris looked at us and smiled "Wow, a big family huh" he said and we smiled "Honey who is that?" yelled a women from upstairs and she came down for us to see Natalie she looked at us with angry eyes "What are you doing here?!" she yelled "Honey calm down" said Chris but she ignored him "i thoughted that I made myself clear yesterday, you will never hang out with her ever again!" she yelled and I had enough with it "And why is that?!" I yelled and she looked with surprised "Well, you are a naughty girl aren't you" she said "You want to see how naughty I am?!" I said and Chris pulled his wife back and Jasper pulled me back "Look please just can we talk about this" said Grandma "we are acting like kids" said Chris and he looked at me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that, I just can't control my anger" I said honestly and she nodded with still and angry face the voices in my head where loud I fell on my knees the family were around me Chris looked worried and Natalie looked like she didn't care "Is she okay" asked Chris "No, she has a gift and her gift Is a Banshee, she can hear voices in her head" said Dad Natalie laughed and I calmed down with Jasper's power "why are you laughing?" asked Mom a little angry "Because only crazy people hear voices in their head, so I need to call the mental hospital, Echo House "she said and we All looked at her with winded eyes "What?!" yelled Mom "Listen to me or I'll expose you all" she said "and who will believe you" asked Jazz " I am a hunter people always believe us" she said and Chris looked at her with winded eyes "Natalie please leave them alone" he said "NO! She hears voices in her head and people don't know that she's a Vampires so it isn't normal for a person to hear voices in they're head!" she said "Please don't do this " Said Dad "Oh stop being so dramatic she will be there only for 3 weeks" she said "Three weeks?! You know that if she goes there those voices are going to get louder ?!" said Rose "Everyone stop the yelling it isn't good for Michelle right now" said Grandma "Alison dear, come down " said Natalie and Alison came down with tears in her eyes "You where listening weren't you ?"asked Her mom and she nodded "Mom please don't do this" she said and Natalie laughed "Oh stop it everyone who cares I'll be waiting for you outside and you all out of my house" she said to my family she started walking and I started following her "M, please don't" said Ness "Ness I have to " I said "No you don't" said Lucas "Yes I do, she will expose us and I don't want that" I said and I hugged them all we got in the cars and followed when we got there we all got out and they all hugged me again even Alison "I'm sorry this had to happen" she said "It's okay" I said then I hugged Jasper for last and he kissed my forehead "I'll miss you " he said "It's okay Jazz I'll be gone just for 3 weeks and then I'm coming strait home" I said he smiled and kissed me the family smiled sad at us I started walking with Chris, Natalie, Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad where very sad, when Natalie told us to stay outside for a couple of minuets she needed to sing something Chris started talking "I am very sorry about this, I can't control her" he said sad "It's okay Chris" I said mom and dad smiled at him "I know women are crazy " dad said and me and mom smacked him he laughed and Chris Laughed at us "You guys are a happy family" Chris said we nodded "Okay come on vampires" said Natalie I smiled at Mom and Dad and walked with Natalie "Here she is" she said a guard looked up at me and smiled "Okay just follow me and I'll take you to you're room" he said he started walking and I followed him "Here's your room" he said "Thanks" I said with a half smile I saw an other person laying on the bed and I sat on mine looking out the window.

I just sat there looking out the window I was really thirsty because this guy was bleeding he was moving to much in his sleep that he cut his hand on the metal fence next to his bed, I looked like a mess "Hello" a voice said I turn my head and saw the boy was woken up "Hello" I said back and turned my head on the window again "so uhm- My name is Oliver" He got up and took his hand out I got up too and shacked his hand "Michelle" I said "well it's nice to meet you Michelle" he said while smiling "You too" I said I sat back down on my bed Oliver looked around finding the clock in the room "It's 9:47" he said "Okay?" I said a little confused "they are suppose to let us out of here in 10 am till then I want to get to know my new roommate for 3 weeks" he said I sighed "Okay, what do you want to know" I asked "Why are you here?" he asked I toughed about it a second because I can't tell that I'm a Vampire "I started hearing voices in my head and my best friends mom thoued that I'm crazy so she put me here for 3 weeks" I said and he nodded his head "And, why are you here" I asked "I had no family my mom died when she gave birth to me she was a really weak person, my father left me because he didn't want me, all of my relatives don't live here and I don't have any siblings" he said and I felt bad for him "Don't you have friends" I asked "No" he answered I toughed for a second "Well Oliver you just made yourself a friend" I said "For 3 weeks" I added and he smiled "thank you" he said I nodded I was now staring at the ground Oliver was looking at me "What?' I asked "didn't you sleep?" he asked "No, I don't sleep" I said "Like at all" he said shocked "yeah" I said then we heard the door open "Okay freaks you can go out now" said one of the 3 guards me and Oliver walked out and saw other people walking and talking "Come follow me" Oliver said and I followed him to the cafeteria "Here" he gave me food "I don't eat" I said smiling "I can just grab some water" I said and he looked shocked and smiled "So let me guess your that type of a person that doesn't like to eat, sleep, doesn't like the sun only the rain and the overprotective type. You like to think yourself like a Vampire " he said I smiled " something like that, yes I am overprotective, I like the sun but not as much as the rain and for the eating and sleeping I can't do them" I said he nodded we sat there for 2 minuets and he started talking "I know this will sound weird but if you drink blood there are bags of blood down in the hallway" he said and I looked at him in shock not because he offered me the blood but because he doesn't find it weird "I'm sorry I should have not said that, it's just that some people drink blood so if you don't eat anything I toughed that maybe you drink blood but it was stupid and-" "No, it's not in fact I do drink blood I am that kind of a person" I cut him off "Well okay let me take you there" he said we got up and we went to a basement "Nobody uses this place of the hospital not even the workers so you can come here when ever you want to" he said opening the door there was blood bag every where but they where human but who cares right now I am thirsty "You maybe want to close the door" I said he nodded walked out and closed the door.

After 5 minuets I was done I walked out my eyes where now red how will I explain this to Oliver "Hey you done?" he asked and I nodded "I hope you feel better" I asked "Much" I said we smiled "Can I ask why are your eyes red?" he asked "um-I like to wear contacts" I said fast and he nodded and then I remembered "Hey when is visiting hour?" I asked him "tomorrow" he said and nodded we walked back in the room and laid on our beds we talked about stupid things then we heard a nock on the door and it opened I we got up to see a guard "What are you two doing here?" he asked "This is our room right?" I said "Yes but you are not allowed to go to your rooms till 10pm so what are you doing here" he said again "we didn't want to hang out with the others" I said and he laughed "Oh really, Well to bad , Out now!" he said Oliver started walking but I laid on the bed again I didn't care "Hey! I said out now!" he said again I ignored him "Hey don't play with me!" he started walking to me grabbed my hand pulling me out of the bed I grabbed his free hand and snapped his fingers he screamed "Don't ever touch me like that ever again" I said and started walking with Oliver outside on the playground. 

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